Hey boys! ;) I'm Nikki and hell I'm a ninja! Mhmmm.. Dnt ask oh wait guess ya kind wanna know I'm WIERD and strange but ya gotta luv me.! :0 O.O ya fan me? Cause I did rape tht sexy fan button! ;) Yup! Oh ya and ya nickname from me is (Flirty Boys!) ;) cause apperently all u flirty as hell! ;)
Well i must go now... :( *Sad Face right* Ik..
Well goodbye flirty boys and message me bac.. If I am worthy of being to fan! Mhmmm..
-Forever and Always NikkiNinjaOut! ;)
Hey guys :)
Please excuse the long absence. School has been a nasty pig. So has life in general.
RIP Jenna Fitz, my (Ross's) ex girlfriend who commit suicide. You will forever be in my (our) hearts. <3 We miss you like hell.