
Hi! Since you’re an avid reader on CRYPTID and like everything else lol, I was wondering if you could help me with a plot point? After James pulls Steve out of the Potomac River should James and Vay go find Rumlow in the hospital (then proceed to seek help from Steve and move into the Avengers tower along with Rollins) or should they stay with Steve? I’m leaning towards the first option since I haven’t written that before.


@E_Erasteon good luck ( not really) to him cuz Jack is a WALL of muscle 


@Onetimeusage T_T LOL he would kill Jack most likely for “making his son turn out that way”


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@E_Erasteon WAIT, attempt to kill Jack or Brock?  Yeah,  id be fricking scared af if the man who tore off my wing when I was kid suddenly returns and tries to kill people 