
Did you cancel Beauty So Bright It Didn't Need To Be Seen? Or do you have some sort of writers block?


@ DonkeyChainsaw  Ok, no worries. I did not mean to push you. Take your time.


I promise it's not cancelled. My life right now is a little hectic, but I am in the middle of typing up a chapter. 


I just stumbled across your book 'Beauty So Bright it Didn't need to be seen' and i instantly fell in love with it. The writing is very well, the chapters are really long (which is what i like) and the concept is also something refreshing.  
          But what is your update frequency? Since i want to see where this goes. 


Yep, that answered my question. I'm looking forward too the next chapter!


I'm glad you like the story! I'd like  to say I update each story at least once a month, but I write whenever I can. If I get a lot of people asking for an update on a specific story, I try to update that one as soon as possible. It takes a while, though, because I have to plan out each chapter, write them (since I make them longer instead of short ones this takes more time), and proofread them for any spelling and grammar errors. I want you guys to read the best of my work so it might not be the fastest updates, but I try to make the content worth the wait. Hope this helps!


Please update. Beauty so bright it doesn't  need to be seen. Its the best story ever.


I forgot to say thank you so thank you


@andreastanton165 Gotcha! I gotta update Bitter and the Sweetness first, but I'll update it soon.