
Due to some pretty big family news recently, I probably won't be uploading or writing for a while. If anyone can recommend any good stories, I'd be grateful! X


Just published the first chapter of my story. It's called Just Doing Me, if you're unsure of your true self or you know who you are but you're struggling, or just because you want to understand others, give it a read and follow my story. It could help in many ways X


I just had a crazy idea. I may regret it later on I often hear stories about people feeling that they need to keep certain facts, about them, to themselves. I felt like that for a while, but now I don't and I'd like to try and convince at least one other person that that isn't the case at all. Everyone should be able to be the person they aspire to be. Therefore, I'm going to begin writing a story, chapters will be based on my own 'development' over time. But I will write them through a character. All new names to represent the people that are actually involved in my 'story', but the same story. I'm sure many of you, like myself, have plans on how your story is going to pan out, how you're going to tell people etc. Mine didn't go to plan at all! But I'm hoping that by sharing parts of my story, maybe some of you will be able to live your true self. Once chapters begin to be published, I appreciate that if they relate to you, you may want to talk to someone. As a very sensitive person, I am that kind of person. Therefore, if anyone does want to talk at all, feel free to message me. We can share our weird but funny stories and laugh about how clueless we were X


So although I have a few pre-written chapters of stories that will be published soon, I am a 'January baby' and so my birthday is in the coming week. As it's a fairly important birthday, I won't be writing or posting as much. I do apologise, but with family visiting it's kinda understandable I hope. Happy Birthday to any other January babies! Have a fantastic one X


Hey you lovely lot, I'm back working on another new story! I will one day finish a full story I promise! Haha, at the moment the title is 'My Best Friend Lily'. It's not published yet but please look out for it and give it a read if you can cope with more of my stories. Thank you all X


Hey everyone, I'm going through a writing phase at the mo, finally! I have lots of chapters in my drafts library that I'm still working on. Please do message any requests, or even questions/ideas for any current stories. Also, it'd be lovely to talk to some of you


          I know I'm a little early, but I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful new year! Let's be honest, 2016 has been rough for many of us but we are still going. To those of you that have lost a loved one, here's to you and to them. To anyone that started 2016 off in a relationship with a wonderful person and are finishing it off with the same one, I congratulate you! Here's to your happy ever after. To those of you that entered it in a relationship and are ending it with a new enemy, you can do better! They don't even deserve to have you speak of their name or memory. Have anyone you would like to freely be able to love? Life is short, we gotta go for it! To anyone having a baby in the new year, congratulations! Getting married in 2017? Have the time of your life! There are many other things I could say, so if your situation hasn't been mentioned then I wish you all the best for 2017. It'll be your year! I'm sure we've all learnt so much this past year, I'm certainly included! I plan to write a lot more regularly in the future due to recent messages about my previous stories (thank you all so much). I hope the new year brings many of you love, laughter and contentment. X