I know no one's probably reading this or anything, but I kind of have to get this off my chest so here it goes.
I was watching news videos about Wentworth Miller (who is incredible, btw) coming out and the comments section made me feel sick. There were so many people calling him names and saying that he was lying about it.
Is this what society has really come to? Accusing people of lying about their sexuality for things like fame or money? Is this really how low we've gotten? And for the people calling him a 'faggot' and other names, screw you. So what if he's not interested in girls? Does that make him less of an actor? Less of a human being?
Hell no.
It's love, and that's what I've never gotten about the people who hate. You can't help who your attracted to and in the end, it's the same as any other relationship out there. They can still hold hands, they can still go on dates, the can still give each other goodbye kisses.
What I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid to love who you love. There's always going to be those haters who thrive off of others pain. Just keep going, because one day your going to find the other half of you, boy or girl. Your going to fall in love and no body can stop you from doing that. Love always wins.