
Sorry for the lack of activity from my part, but now that cambridge is over, and school is almost over I'll come back to writing.


I'm back! Yeah. I'm really in the mood for writing now that AS is moving and will be down until it's done.
          So either I'll start writing a new story, or continue on an old one. I'm not really sure yet. I will most likely do both, and  switch between making a new one and continuing one.
          In that case. Which one should I update? Which one do you think I should update/continue?


Feels a bit like no one cares about My books. Feels like there's no activity with my followers, nor readers.


My account was the same way for the longest time. What's my 2nd popular book wasn't really anything until it was almost finished. Wattpad's a strange thing... You just have to keep advertising and updating, figure out what fans/followers like best from you, and try to work at that if you enjoyed writing it.


Ok... Making a story based of Hypno's lullaby. But I not good at writing horror so you'll have to bear with me on this xD I will try and write it now...
          For those who don't know what Hypno's lullaby is. Hypno's lullaby is a creepy pasta song. And supposed to be freaky. And trust me... It is... Hypnos is a pokemon, and the pasta easy to find on http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Category:PokéMon. (DO NOT READ/LISTEN TO/WATCH THESE IF YOU'RE UNDER 15! A tip from someone who brows the creepypasta wiki at times.)