Hello Oohheypj! Thank you so much for giving my book “Sinful Roses” a chance. I apologize if I offended you or anyone! Let me know what I can do to make my book better! Any notes or advice on why you left that comment would be greatly appreciated. ❤️
Hello, Oohheypj! Thank you for your feedback but did you read the chapter titled “F the Ending”? That was the entire point of my story. I want to make my readers upset so that they can understand that the love Louis was giving to Rose isn’t real love. There wasn’t going to be a happy ending or character development because the person I based Rose on in my real life has not developed either! She hasn’t figured out her worth, her value. So I wrote a story for her to read to see how dumb it looks to be in a relationship like that. Everyone is mad and I totally agree because I’m mad too! Women need to know that they are Gods greatest creations and when they allow stuff like that to happen to them….it’s sick. I want them to know they have a backbone and they just need to find it. But thank you again so much for your feedback and I’m happy that you are MAD because you get it! ❤️ “Vlone” is more your type of deal so go give that one a read from my page and let me know what you think!