"Why did I have to spit it out?" Shira asked.
"Come with me" Natije said as he carefully took the bag of fruit loops from his sister and gave her his hand to hold instead.
Shira held on to her brother's hand as she struggled to keep up as they walked back from the beach up to their house.
After a long walk, they arrived at the front door which Natije unlocked and cleared the way for his sister to enter.
Shira walked in, she had already forgotten about her fruit loops and the question she asked.
However, Natije remembered. He beckoned to his sister to follow him into the living room.
"What do you see on the fireplace?" he asked.
"A picture of me and you and mommy" Shira answered. Some would say Shira spent way too long pronouncing the word 'and', Natije thought so too.
Natije knelt down pulled open a drawer built into the fireplace which Shira hadn't noticed before.
he pulled out a blue envelope and gave it to Shira. she opened it and pulled out a very duty photograph of her mom in the back of a car wearing a wedding dress and sitting beside her Father. he was wearing a black suit. Their smiled was so big, it looked like nothing could wipe it off their faces.
Shira hadn't seen her Father since she was 4.
"Why aren't there any photos of Dad up?" Natije asked Shira.
"Because he left us, Mom said he doesn't deserve to have his pictures up" Shira said plainly.
"Okay now pop another fruit loop into your mouth" Natije said as he handed it to his sister.
After she had done this, he asked her how it tasted.
She replied that it was still sweet. "Alright then buddy, swallow it" Natije said calmly and Shira did as she was told.
"How does it taste now?"
"It's sour" Shira replied.