
Hello everyone, it has occurred to me that one of my stories has been deleted. I’m not sure why has it happened, just know that I did not delete it. I have been on hiatus a bit because of school-work. I apologize for this news, thank you for reading.


@OphiuchusGalax ok thank you for telling us!!!!!!!


Hello everyone, it has occurred to me that one of my stories has been deleted. I’m not sure why has it happened, just know that I did not delete it. I have been on hiatus a bit because of school-work. I apologize for this news, thank you for reading.


@OphiuchusGalax ok thank you for telling us!!!!!!!


Please wright a one person story and make it about a boy reincarnated as a 18 year old Dwarf Girl That's overpowered as f*ck and is cute and very erotic yet at the same time muscular has 2 hammers. One hammer is called "Hammer of GODLY fire" while the other is called "Hammer of GODLY Lightning" and they both have Defense, attack and, Crafting/Black Smithing capabilities . And only the HER and the worthy can hold that hammer and also please  add this feature whenever she hold one of these hammers and think of armor. Armor that has the capability of the hammer SHE is holds and she look like this https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNRyY1WpJWVaMlel6eNT03LJnBmAwQ:1575013365091&q=red+haired+dwarf&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&fir=n2D_i4ymb2OCLM%253A%252CVifI4_L0K79GjM%252C_%253BDOapwTIPehDsOM%253A%252CqrY_lKO0kP2naM%252C_%253BmAm4N6z-W8jWCM%253A%252CqrY_lKO0kP2naM%252C_%253B--L6-47tAlaMoM%253A%252CPEkWm8KgytcjpM%252C_%253Bva5QAhFD5hob9M%253A%252COhL1sCCFS6GlhM%252C_%253BFo6gVvEkqLfuSM%253A%252C8YoZ1dIMJOAfsM%252C_%253BWvhE4IcsA2SbUM%253A%252CPT0KMft2j8BCuM%252C_%253BXOnY0MjcssL_JM%253A%252CKKjQWcPOw4T5uM%252C_%253Bmli3UCqWOQ0_kM%253A%252C1D7oSMdYDxL1PM%252C_%253BkLTHnPyK8DRalM%253A%252C6cy8Tglp3uWDDM%252C_%253BPetiR6VWQMm7MM%253A%252CwSh0-qtkwz_ciM%252C_%253BDsdK4ZzmRlyfnM%253A%252CXSUOiMYEfProUM%252C_%253BMQtomzzKkyH3eM%253A%252CJe00h2rshUf_wM%252C_%253BN6iqpxek5CBviM%253A%252C7TUs7npy50Vd7M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSA3vaKyzWQ9Z37m9VaJY-W3W33yQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiC4JGB9o7mAhUIS6wKHXFeAaMQ7Al6BAgIEEE#imgrc=FBiKB9RdlTzefM


Sorry, I don’t do requests. I respectfully declined, interesting concept though!