
Please pray for me I’m about to fail biology


good luck with that my dude. I'll pray for you!


Please pray for me I’m about to fail biology


good luck with that my dude. I'll pray for you!


Hi guys. I’m so sorry for not updating queen of Killing. It’s hard to write Reyna loving herself when I myself am trying so hard to do that. It’s even harder to show her moving on and growing when I can’t do that myself. I think my breakthrough will come soon. Queen of killing will be finished one day! Lol bye bye love you all!!!


IM FUMING. F U M I N G. So here’s the mfing TEA. 
          I was talking to my friend, and like we, well he, was sharing his talents. And like ok, yeah he can make music, whatever, but then he asked what I do and I was like ‘oh yeah, I write’ explained that I’ve written a long ass book. And he’s like oh cool. I started talking about it DUH and he’s like ‘I’m not really into this but if you wanna share’ BRO LIKE YOU DONT SAY THAT I FEEL SO SELF CONSCIOUS NOW. R U D E. So now I understand when girls say ‘I’m fine’ even though we don’t mean it, Bec I just had a bruh moment. I’m going to go hide in embarrassment and probably ignore all his texts for the next four days...and like I thought we were besties, but besties support my work so AGH


Am I just craving a relationship, or do I actually like him??


@lethaljenzie he’s not that cute, but damn...he’s so nice


you never know sis 


You ever just feel like none of your friends really care about you?? 


yes sis you're a bad bitch you don't need anyone 


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You know what fuck that. Fuck feeling like I’m not NUMBER ONE. I’m a bad bitch and I don’t need anyone. If my friends don’t care they can leave Bec guess what I’d rather spend my free time watching the 100 anyways. 
            Don’t let people get you down my friends. You rock. Go get those A’s. Eat that cookie. And keep your head up high Bec if no one will root for you, root for yourself. 


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Lately on the internet I’ve been seeing stories of 9/11. It’s just that time of year. I have a message for you all. 
          If you believe Muslim people are terrorists, don’t belong in America, or that they weren’t affected by 9/11. Please unfollow me, block me, remove my book from your library. Whatever you do, just don’t come fucking back.
          When my church was struggling bec of a hurricane, and my people were in deep trouble it was a local Muslim group that donated THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of supplies and food to us when we needed it. They are the kindest people you will ever meet. Fight me if you think otherwise.
          - sincerely your local catholic 


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@Oppositional also people shouldn't be judged because of their religion and beliefs. everyone can be bad not just muslims and the internet needs to fucking learn that 