@zixann I was an active reader, until I met the dark side of Wattpad....
Sci fi: Artemis Fowl, The Foundation novels, The Fowl Twins, I Robot, (any Isaac Asimov books)
Fiction: 20,000 leagues under the sea, Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle, Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw, any of Walter Moers books, Roald Dahl, Call of the wild, Percy Jackson, The Curious case of the Dog in the night-time, Eragon series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, the Silmarillion. 1984, etc.
War stories (fiction): Biggles (there are loads of Biggles books), The red badge of courage,
Mystery: Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, Books written by Jeffrey Archer, Books written by John Grisham (John Grisham books are mainly about law), Half moon investigations, etc
Comedy: Wodehouse stories, Wilt on High.
Interesting information: The Code Book (history on cyphers and codebreakers throughout the ages), Unbroken, Gerlad Durrell (he writes on his adventure of collecting animals for zoos, really fun for animal lovers)