
Greetings and Salutations.
          	I AM ALIVE!!!
          	Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a while. I think the last time I was online was around Christmas time. I did not intend to stay away for so long and I do hope to post more chapters soon.
          	I'm sorry for not keeping you guys updated, it was not my intention to keep you all in the dark, especially whilst not updating any of my books or announcements. But a lot of work got piled up very quickly and out of nowhere, and I have been dealing with a lot.
          	Don't worry, I am okay and I'm finally reaching a point where the work is nowhere near as stressful as it was last week. So when the summer hits, I intend to start updating my story again. 
          	The earliest time you can start expecting new chapters from me is likely between late June and early July. I have no set date yet but I'll try and keep you all updated when I can.
          	I hope none of you have gotten to tired of waiting, your patience is outstanding. I know my update schedule doesn't exist and my consistency levels are even worse. But I really appreciate that nobody has EVER pushed me to release a chapter. You're all so respectful and kind, which just makes me want to give you the very best story I possibly can.
          	As for future story plans, I mostly want to get my current book done so I won't be making anything new for a while. But I have got some ideas that I'm planning to reveal in the near future. I was considering putting these ideas to a vote to see what you guys would be most eager to read.
          	I've been planning some of these stories for over a year and I am very excited about them. So I hope, when the time comes, you guys will be just as excited when I reveal them. Thank you so much for your love, support and patience. Wishing you all the best!


@Sundrop28 Thank you so much❤️❤️


@OraclesParlour It's okay! Take your time! We all understand everyone needs breaks sometimes even if it takes a while! I am very excited for when you update your stories because they're such masterpieces every time! Have a great rest of your day!  


Greetings and Salutations.
          I AM ALIVE!!!
          Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a while. I think the last time I was online was around Christmas time. I did not intend to stay away for so long and I do hope to post more chapters soon.
          I'm sorry for not keeping you guys updated, it was not my intention to keep you all in the dark, especially whilst not updating any of my books or announcements. But a lot of work got piled up very quickly and out of nowhere, and I have been dealing with a lot.
          Don't worry, I am okay and I'm finally reaching a point where the work is nowhere near as stressful as it was last week. So when the summer hits, I intend to start updating my story again. 
          The earliest time you can start expecting new chapters from me is likely between late June and early July. I have no set date yet but I'll try and keep you all updated when I can.
          I hope none of you have gotten to tired of waiting, your patience is outstanding. I know my update schedule doesn't exist and my consistency levels are even worse. But I really appreciate that nobody has EVER pushed me to release a chapter. You're all so respectful and kind, which just makes me want to give you the very best story I possibly can.
          As for future story plans, I mostly want to get my current book done so I won't be making anything new for a while. But I have got some ideas that I'm planning to reveal in the near future. I was considering putting these ideas to a vote to see what you guys would be most eager to read.
          I've been planning some of these stories for over a year and I am very excited about them. So I hope, when the time comes, you guys will be just as excited when I reveal them. Thank you so much for your love, support and patience. Wishing you all the best!


@Sundrop28 Thank you so much❤️❤️


@OraclesParlour It's okay! Take your time! We all understand everyone needs breaks sometimes even if it takes a while! I am very excited for when you update your stories because they're such masterpieces every time! Have a great rest of your day!  


Madame oracles I am begging u to end my suffering of questions of what might happened to yn and the tallest I need to know what happened!? 
          P.s: love this story got me hyper for more✌️♥️ 


@lilytrow ahhh I understand your frustration and I'm so flattered you're enjoying my story. 
            I apologise for all of the delays, as I have been extremely busy. But I do plan on continuing the story so don't worry, you will find out how the story ends. It's just been a little difficult balancing my workload right now so I've taken a break from writing in the meantime.
            Honestly, I really should have been updating everyone so I do apologise for all the unexpected hiatuses and delays. But I promise, more is coming and I do intend to complete the story! Thanks you so much for your patience. I don't know when the next chapter will be out for certain but during the summer is the most likely time.


Hello everybody! New chapter of Alien A**holes coming Out later today!!! Woooooooo!!!!
          The midstory Finale reaches its conclusion!! And it's gonna be painful!! 
          But don't worry it's only the start of a whole new chapter of Y/n and The tallests story and its gonna be one heck of a ride!!!
          I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank you all for your support, love, and sweet comments. You all mean a great deal to me and I probably would've discontinued this story if it weren't for all your comments. So thank you very much!!
          On another quick note, I feel like I should say this. 
          I know that this time of the year in particular can be hard and discouraging, even with so much festive cheer and love. But please never forget that there is always something waiting for you after the storm. 
          When you find yourself at your lowest, believing that things can't ever get any worse, remind yourself that they can only get better. That if you give yourself the chance to find happiness, it'll find you. 
          Life can be hard and nothing is ever easy, but you need to be nice to yourself, realise that sometimes simple wants and desires are difficult. And you need to know that even with all those struggles and problems, you're still here, you're still fighting and you're amazing for it!!
          Your successes, your failures, your hopes, dreams, they all shape who you are. They all shape who you will be and it seems hard now with everything we hear in the news and the pain in just every day life. But you are wonderful and you can do anything you set your mind to.
          Dont forget thag there are plenty of people who feel alone in particular during this holiday, so make sure to tell a loved one how much you care for them. Give them a call, make their day. Let them know you haven't forgotten them.
          Thank you again for all your love in support! You're more amazing than you realise!!
          I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year, wherever you are!


Hey everyone! I know I said I'm going to update Alien A**holes soon but this chapter is super duper huge so it's taking longer than expected.
          It's gonna be a huge special chapter and it's also gonna be part 1 of the mid-book finale. So yeah, two massive chapters in the works and they're coming soon. I promise!
          Thank you for your patience! You guys are the best!!


@OraclesParlour I'm just happy it's still continuing! 


@Spider-Glitch2009 Aww thank you so much! It means the world to me that you like my writing! I really appreciate your support and am lucky to have people so sweet reading my works ^^


Happy (late) Halloween everybody! I'm so sorry for being so quiet lately.
          Don't worry, Alien A**holes will be updating again very soon!! Just struggling to get back on track so I've been binging invader zim to sort of remotivate myself.
          So yeah, that's in progress. May also be uploading some ideas for stories I've been working on in the background, just to see what you guys might wanna see from me in the near future. 
          Furthermore, I might end up relocating my future stories to A03. Not 100% sure yet, but if I do, I will not remove anything from this account. 
          I promise all the stories currently on my wattpad account will remain as they are if I do decide to move. I won't delete my account and I won't delete any stories. I just may not make anymore books on there.
          Of course, I'm still deciding on whether I will do that or not. It really depends on if I prefer A03's layout or not.
          Anyway, thank you for your support and patience everyone, I know it's a pain to wait for so long. You guys are legends, I swear!
          See you in the next chapter, you awesome peeps!! Love ya all!!❤️


@OraclesParlour Happy late Halloween!! I respect your decision and I'll definitely follow you if you post of Ao3. I personally post on both, but Ao3 takes away any bold, italics, and underlines for me, so it can be really annoying. Next time I write a fanfiction, I might just write it on AO3 itself even though that's a bit risky since it most likely won't save if something goes wrong.
            I have no idea it's different on PC, btw. I just use my iPad and a Bluetooth keyboard.


Hey Oracle. I know I look like a new follower but I've been a reader of your works for a long time ( I unfortunately lost my original account. ) but this is a daily reminder that you're awesome.
          I wish you greatly on University. You're doing amazing.
          Sincerely, previously known as; Lemnade


@S00DA___ Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been online lately. But this is amazing!!! Thank you so much for your lovely message. I'm sorry ot hear about your old account. It's so sweet that you went out of your way to message me just to tell me you appreciate me, that's almost as amazing and sweet as you are!! University is going very well, thank you, and I seriously appreciate and thrive off your support. Thank you so much, I really hope you are doing well, also!! Keep being awesome! ^^


I just wanna let you know you really made a part of my childhood and I really hold you as a place In my heart. I was like, 11 and miserable but when  I read your invader zim story I always felt happier. It's 2 years later I think, I'm 13 now and still I really look up to you as a writer. I do hope you go on to make even greater content, and maybe even go on to make another zim x reader one day. Know I'd totally read it, and I'm your #1 fan lol. 


@chezboegeur oh my goodness, I just woke up to this lovely message!! Thank you so much! I am so happy you like my story and I'm even happier that it helped you through tough times. I hope your doing better now, and continue to do better in the future ^^. I definetly have plans for another invader zim story and other fandoms coming up in the future, so don't worry about me going away anytime soon. This comment  just made my day! I really appreciate your kind words ❤️ 


Hey, I wanted to let you know something very funny. With wattpad's new update, it tells you/us when you have posted the chapters; their dates. Apparently you had written and posted it all at 1969! XD


@mewterra1316 you're not kidding, I'm currently stuck in 1993 St Petersburg....for some reason XD


@OraclesParlour XD you can figure out time travel but not tracking a 90s baby 


@mewterra1316 darn, didn't think of that!


Hey, I wanted to let you know something very funny. With wattpad's new update, it tells you/us when you have posted the chapters; their dates. Apparently you had written and posted it all at 1969! XD


@mewterra1316 yeah but I don't trust marvel either XD


@mewterra1316 don't trust an 80s science fiction movie. Marvel even debunked that those movies were all wrong


@mewterra1316 yeah but that didn't go well in back to the future 2 so.....