Hi everyone! I made a new Wattpad account for my poems and other musings if you would like to check it out and give it a follow -- @glitterstainedfloor.
Here is the link to my first piece: https://www.wattpad.com/1063749159-virgo-vigilance-introduction
Oh and... WOW has it been a while... Feels good to be doing this again.
Sending love,
Hi! I did something W I L D today, and read one of my poems on TikTok! Way out of my comfort zone aha so if you’re stuck inside and need something to do, I’d appreciate it if you took a minute to check it out. I can’t link it here, but it’s my most recent video.
Username: glitterstainedfloor
Drop your TikToks below and I’ll follow all of you! ❤️
- Aerin
Hi guys! Clearly, I don’t have time to update my YouTube, but would anyone be interested in writing tips/related videos on TikTok? I was thinking of doing just short, little videos here and there to keep you guys (and mainly myself!) inspired! Let me know!
Hope you’re all well! Wash your hands haha!
- Aerin
So. I have an idea for NaNoWriMo.
Will I start it? Absolutely.
Will school and finals force me to put it on the back burner that I never return to, thus causing my library of ideas to completely burn down? Absolutely.
Moral of the story? I fucking miss writing. Why did I ever go to school for art? ♀️
Hey guys! I just combined and transferred all of my poetry into one book. It’s all extremely old (I cringed... a lot), but I wanted to keep it all in one place. Maybe I’ll even add to it one day! Check it out here:
Hi friends! I want to start a new book on here that isn’t necessarily a diary, but more of a journal. To touch on current topics. To speak out and say things that need to be said. To tell you about that new mint chocolate chip ice cream I found. To dip my toes back into posting on Wattpad... I just want to be real and raw with you guys in it, and use my voice because sometimes I forget that I have it. Would anyone be interested in that?
Love always,
Aerin xoxo