
Not actually a story, more like appendix/supporting doc


Hey. i  really like your story. The writing, plot and characters are all impeccable. Honestly it's kind of unbelievable that this started out as a way to reduce your sisters boredom. I would love to continue reading it if you decide to update it again. As i was re-reading it, I just realized that Hagrid is nowhwere to be mentioned. According to the books, he should be in his third year by now. I just find it kind of unbelievable that Hermione never once reached out to him. Nobody else ever talked baout him either which is kind of surprising as I don't think he'd be very good at blending in. Just wanted to know your thoughts on this. I think you may just have forgotten but it would be interesting if you planned this for a reason further in the plot. Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that this story is brilliant!


Hey! I have recently finished reading your story and I have to say that it’s reallly good. I just wanted to ask if you write stories on wattpad just to pass your time or do you like writing more than a hobby and wanna pursue it professionally someday?


Your written skills are amazing. Idk how you do it but I m mesmerized.


@PragyaUpadhyay5 Aww, thank you! I still see a lot of flaws that needed fixing. It's probably a balance between reading a lot and writing a lot for years. Even if it doesn't feel like it, the experience/practice does make a difference. It makes it easier and faster to write, for one 


OMG you're back!!!!!!
          Hellooo I'm a recent reader of your book i hope you are doing fine. Thank you for updating i love you!!! 


@IsmeneFontaine2021 Thanks for taking the time to drop a word or two and welcome aboard! Yeah, I have a t least a few chapters in reserve for now, so I'll be updating the story for a bit.


Hello dear Orange, just wanted to know if you are doing well, it’s been a long time since we hear from you. 


@danipeir Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I don't exactly log into Wattpad on a regular basis, and the site no longer emails me when I have a new message/post somewhere, so I usually have no  idea until I log in yet again.
            Thanks for checking up on me. I'm updating again at least for a little while, even if life is getting  a wee bit complicated at the same time.


          I hope you are safe and sound .
          Just wanted to say what a marvellous piece you have written .Hope you complete it one day and write many more good stories. 
          Stay safe .


@killermilee Thanks for the best wishes, I hope you stay safe too! I appreciate your effort to take the time to leave some kind words. I'm working on it again, though, considering that there's not exactly a lot that I can do right now...


Dear author, Im hopong you are safe and well in this time of crisis. God bless you


@gurlwithspectacles May God bless your family and your sister who is a doctor. I'm currently re reading your work. You have such a great work :)


@gurlwithspectacles Thanks! The fam is okay right now, and I don't have a lot of things to do, so the good news is, I'm back to working on this.