No Chapter 3 today, but it is in the works! It's 2721 word so far, and so I'm not leaving ya'll completely without an update, I'll post a lil excerpt :D
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He walked through the shelves, skimming the titles for anything that caught his eye. While there were a number of autobiographies from past High Rulers, one book in particular had caught his eye. It was a book of magic, recording all the spells known to exist, and the history and evolution of them. The author was Aether J. Klune, a name that Khoshekh immediately recognized. Aether J. Klune was renowned in Rhelwyn for their dedication to documenting as much about the Twighlight as they could. Unfortunately, long before Khoshekh was even conceived, they had disappeared without a trace. When Aether disappeared, so too did a large amount of their collection. Many scholars in Rhelwyn have theorized what happened, or why Aether disappeared. To this day, however, no one really knew any of the details.
So it was a bit of an understatement to say Khoshekh was elated to find one of their books here. He carefully pulled it off the shelf, glad it wasn’t too high up for him to reach. Excited to flip through it, he quickly goes over to the single small table set up in the corner of the library. It had a small layer of dust atop it, and a half-burnt out candle on it. Khoshekh settles on the rocking chair beside the table, pulling his knees up as flipping open the book.
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That's all for now! And a happy 4/13 to those who celebrate ;)