I feel like an old person because I don’t know how to navigate through this damn update on my phone. Either way, a couple updates as most of my readers do read the assassin one-shots.. I know I’ve not updated recently, but I do reply to comments. I’m slacking, I’m sorry. But there is one in the works that someone suggested for a father/daughter dynamic (nothing gross you weirdos) of Haytham and Reader. I was writing this one-shot when my own irl father had passed away. Since then I’ve been avoiding it because it was a touchy subject to even think of. But, I feel like I should be able to just talk instead of hiding it. I’ll be on a plane tomorrow, and I’ll be making sure everything is properly written before its posted. Stay safe out there guys, and happy new year. -Fignewtons
@Oreofignewtonsblazko Take your time love, I won't be posting much due to my new job.