
@TheKrystal_Herrera hahah alright 


let me go is such a good book YOU BETTER KEEP WRITING IT!!!!!!


thank you :) I literally deleted wattpad 2 months ago... I just re downloaded it because of how guilty i felt for not finishing my books...
            I hope i gather the confidence to.


I know I said I was going to delete Let Me Go, but I realized how many people actually liked it. I put myself in their shoes; imagining what would happen if a "favorite" of mine was deleted. That would make me pretty sad.
          So, I think Im going to keep it for a while. Thanks for all the support guys :)) Im really grateful for everything. 


@OreosTbh OMG YES! This is good news. Does this mean you are going to keep updating or are you just reconsidering deleting it? Either way it's fine. :)


@OreosTbh please don't delete "let me go" its the only thing I read when I'm at work doing nothing so please please don't delete it


It feels really good to complete another chapter. I've been extremely writers blocked lately. 
          What a nice time to upload a chapter! (Its 1 am over here) 
          Anyways, for everyone that is reading Give Me A Reason, I hope you really really love the next chapter. My writing has changed a little and I think Im more emotional and things. 
          -Oreo :^)


I know your making the right decision.  Your not perfect and neither am I. But you shouldnt listen to what people say. you are a good writer.
          Real girls arent perfect
          Perfect girls arent real
                          -Tumblr quotes
          You are super talented. Keep making books!