
Chapter 17 of Their Little Femboy has been posted! I hope you like it. ;) <3


Welp, I just submitted Break Me in full to Inkitt. It’s certainly one of my more *intense* stories, so I’m not sure it’ll be approved. 
          I was worried at first that it wasn’t submitting the chapters because there was nothing being shown for the first few minutes, so I pressed “Submit All Chapters” again. Hopefully, that won’t cause any issues… 
          It took a week or two to get Their Golden Rose approved by the Inkitt Team (although it was up and available to read during that time), so it might take three to four weeks this time since Break Me is about two times longer. 
          For those who haven’t read Break Me and want to read the whole story, I think you’ll be able to read it now (or maybe by early tomorrow)! You know how to find me. Same username as on here. 
          On the other hand, if the people waiting for the last few chapters of Break Me still want to read them on here, I’ll continue posting until it’s complete and leave it up for a week before taking it down. 
          Take care!
          - Kelpie xo


@-Tonia74- That’s fine! If I’m remembering correctly, you might want to reread chapter 51 (the last chapter I posted on here before the removal) and onwards from there if you haven’t continued on since then. :)


@Origin_of_Kelpie well, I'm gonna disappear for a while!  I want to finish reading Their Golden Rose! 


I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I almost have a heart attack every time I get an email about a private message from Wattpad now. My mind was racing a day or two ago about which story was taken down next, only to realize they were “inviting me” to an email list thing and had to join by August 1st to get 25 free coins. 
          It felt like the equivalent of a cop pulling someone over on the highway, scaring them out of their wits, and then handing them a $10 gift card to get ice cream. And in this case, it wasn’t even $10 worth of ice cream but something annoying. :/ 
          I think only writers who’ve had their stories taken down would get it, but I just felt like I had to share that. 3: 


@-Tonia74- Well, the reasons were explained the past few times since I created this particular account, but I agree with that about my previous account. :/ 


this message may be offensive
@Origin_of_Kelpie It shouldn't be like that..... You shouldn't have any reason to be scared of an email.... But then again, Wattpad shouldn't be an *asshole & deleting Author's hard work, their Pride & Joy..... For reasons not explained. 
            They've screwed up Big Time & they should be apologizing!! 


Hey, folks! For those who care about Break Me:
          I thought I would have Break Me fully edited, proofread, and submitted by now (almost two weeks after my last post about it) on Inkitt, but sadly not. 
          On the other hand, I am almost finished with it! I’m editing the second of four bonus chapters. I did have to split the epilogue into two parts (as expected), and I’m currently at 112 chapters in total (including the epilogue, Q&A extra, and the Christmas bonus chapter). 111-114 are all bonus chapters. :3 
          I’m also matched up with editing for the remaining chapters to post on Wattpad and Inkitt, which is somewhat crazy in my opinion. It’s taken about five to six weeks to edit and proofread 111 chapters (so far) for Inkitt. 
          If all goes well, I should have Break Me up in full on Inkitt after another week. 
          _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): The finish line is so close…
          Just keeping you all updated!
          - Kelpie xo


Good job!!! I’m so excited for you. 


Curious question, got any book recommendations? I'm once again on the road with my promised and ran out of good books to read


@melodywonder23 I don’t really have any in mind (for mxm romance), but all of the books from CRGangell have a really good, fleshed out plot (if you can ignore the lack of editing/proofreading). I don’t read many books anymore because I’m so busy writing and editing my own… (ㆀ˘・з・˘)