Tomorrow’s the big day!
I’ll finally be starting to post “His Little; My Kitten” as of tomorrow. I finished the first phase of editing for the entire story early this morning, so I’m quite tired.
I’m probably hyping this up way too much since the beginning is not super impactful, but please just stick with it. You’ll soon realize how cute these characters are.
There are a total of 40 chapters, so updating this once per week gives me plenty of time to work on Anwyll’s story. I’ve made good progress despite being busy with editing HL;MK. My average speed was about one chapter every two days since I last mentioned it on Feb. 3rd, which is awesome.
I’m currently working on chapter 84 of Anwyll’s story. All I can say is that the plot is really, really different from the original (yet sort of similar in some ways). I’m going way more in-depth with storytelling and “lore,” which means more time and effort. But overall, it’s been so much fun creating a new world for Anwyll.
Take care and see you tomorrow!
- Kelpie xo