
Chapter 3 of His Little; My Kitten has been posted! I hope you like it. <3


Hello! Sorry if I’m late to the program! I just found out that your the creator of delucas home for mentally disturbed boys and know that your account had some issues with being deleted. I wanted to ask if you were thinking of ever reposting it or if you have another plat for I can read it on. Thank you in advance!!!


@ThickIsTheNewSkinny No worries! People are still finding me over two years after I made this account. My previous one was removed because of an error from Wattpad’s side, but I couldn’t get it back because many of my works violated their TOS. 3: I saved most of my works well in advance, but they were all unedited versions. 
            So…  I have an ongoing note titled “Plans For My Works.” Please read that for information about Anwyll’s story and any others you might be curious about. Upcoming works are also mentioned towards the bottom! 


Would anyone be interested in reading a short story about catching cheaters and exposing them (brutally or gently depending on the situation)? 
          I got started on it in November, but I suddenly had inspiration again. It’ll be quite short, especially compared to my other works. 
          When it’s finished, I’ll still post it regardless of whether anyone wants to read it or not, but I was just asking out of curiosity. (*'ω'*)
          Take care,
          Kelpie xo


@BlessingInCoffeeCups Wife?? How could you call me that when: *cue music*
            “We don’t talk anymore! We don’t talk anymore like we used to do~!”
            Lol, just messing around. Glad you’re interested! 


Tomorrow’s the big day! 
          I’ll finally be starting to post “His Little; My Kitten” as of tomorrow. I finished the first phase of editing for the entire story early this morning, so I’m quite tired. 
          I’m probably hyping this up way too much since the beginning is not super impactful, but please just stick with it. You’ll soon realize how cute these characters are.
          There are a total of 40 chapters, so updating this once per week gives me plenty of time to work on Anwyll’s story. I’ve made good progress despite being busy with editing HL;MK. My average speed was about one chapter every two days since I last mentioned it on Feb. 3rd, which is awesome. 
          I’m currently working on chapter 84 of Anwyll’s story. All I can say is that the plot is really, really different from the original (yet sort of similar in some ways). I’m going way more in-depth with storytelling and “lore,” which means more time and effort. But overall, it’s been so much fun creating a new world for Anwyll. 
          Take care and see you tomorrow!
          - Kelpie xo


For those who know Anwyll’s story, I just made an edit to his section in Plans For My Works. If you get time, please read it. It won’t take long at all. 
          And for people who have never read that story, you don’t need to do it since it will be a surprise anyway. ∩^ω^∩
          - Kelpie xo


Just to give a heads up with my writing status for the new book to be posted on Feb. 18th:
          I have just started writing the epilogue for His Little; My Kitten. 
          I obviously have a lot of time left over for this project, which is great because I need to save the chapters into Google Drive from my Notes app, then edit and proofread them. After the initial editing and proofreading, I need to move the chapters over to WP and then Inkitt to make sure I can continue posting the story there if WP decides that my story isn’t good enough for this platform. 
          I am also trying decide what kind of font I want for the cover, which is taking an unusually long amount of time. (T-T) I thought I had the cover down last year, but I changed the whole style because I altered the previous title of the book to match with the story better. 
          Anyway, just wanted that out there that I’m making progress and I’m not doing nothing. (And that’s especially true because I’m already on chapter 77 of the new version of Anwyll’s story.)
          Take care,
          Kelpie xo


@DJSMITH74 No worries! Just in case other people end up reading the replies, I didn’t want anyone confused. (*'▽'*)


@Origin_of_Kelpie Wonderful!!! Sorry I messed up the story name.


@DevlishDivine I totally understand, even though I’m rewriting it! :D I’m really, really enjoying (and very happy with) how the new version is turning out. 


The final AU special chapter of Their Little Femboy has been posted! I hope you like it and that you enjoyed the story overall as it is now complete. <3
          I apologize for my late posting. A whole host of annoying and bad things happened yesterday, and I was held back from working on the story properly due to the formatting/coding issues in WP’s story editor. Very annoying. 
          Regardless, we’re at the end. Thanks for reading and enjoying TLF! <3