does anyone ever have this amazing story idea and start writing the first chapter but then realize that you don't have the energy/motivation to finish the rest of the story
because that is me every single time.
@Ornate yes me. last year in december, i was struck with an inspiration that led me to draft out a plan/outline for a novel. I wrote part of the first chapter... and now? OOPS.
does anyone ever have this amazing story idea and start writing the first chapter but then realize that you don't have the energy/motivation to finish the rest of the story
because that is me every single time.
@Ornate yes me. last year in december, i was struck with an inspiration that led me to draft out a plan/outline for a novel. I wrote part of the first chapter... and now? OOPS.
You're really great with critiques, being helpful and hinting at possible improvements without spewing hatred on the graphic, and honestly, that's quite hard to do and let me just say that that's a gift *bestows the crown of the queen of critiques*
@Ornate AWWW lol. and omg i get you a lot. it's not THAT cold outside but it's cold ._.
like 60-something degrees Fahrenheit lol. that's cold for me because i usually experience hot weither (more than 100 degrees F)