
Happy New Year everyone. Hope your 2022 is great.


Hi Orpheus! I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your comments on my stories! You have so much to say, and are so good at picking up on themes that I find myself waiting to see if you'll comment, what you'll find, what your opinion or interpretations are. I guess I just wanted to say keep it up! Because I find myself waiting for you! You should definitely continue writing if you feel like it! I can already tell you would be good!
          Love, a gorl who is sleep deprived lol! (Sorry if this came outta nowhere lol!) xx


@ZeusEnalios101 Thank you for the kind words and the entertaining stories. As for myself, I do want to get back into writing but it's a bit scattered. Maybe I'll have something up soon though I always seem to swap to something else before I finish anything. Get some sleep though I'm not one who should be commenting on anyone's sleep schedule.


Hey if any one wants a large variety of story’s check out my profile because I have a HUGE list of books from Harry Potter to super hero’s to a soon be Otome and more to come(And to Orpheus_The_Poet for My post I found your profile after notice if you comments on a Avatar Harem story and thought you were great so I checked out your profile so I mean no disrespect)


@2TruthsAndaLie hey no problem, from the looks of things your just trying to spread knowledge of some stories you like. No harm no foul.


Well, to all my American Friends happy thanksgiving! Hope it was fun and to the rest of you I hope today was good anyway. Just 4 more days and I have a surprise I've been working on for the 30th. Also real close to December. Can't wait to hear "All I Want For Christmas" everywhere I go.


Well I’m already getting the sprite cranberry ads and CVS already has their Christmas things so merry early Christmas 


Happy Halloween everyone! Here's a question. Trick or treat?


Congrats, at midnight I'm gonna post an update to Threads of Life. I finally finished the prologue. I just need to do some edits and watch the new mystery skulls video.


"Kept you waiting huh?"
          I bet I have if you're one of my earlier followers. So a lot of things have happened since I just vanished from my books. 360 followers, fluctuating king is at 70k reads and 888 votes, and today is the 2 year anniversary of me writing on this site. I'll be honest with you, I basically had a burn out and have been gone due to it. I could tell it was serious because I've been sitting on the prologue to threads of life at 80% done for at least 6 months and have only made revisions as opposed to finishing. I feel like this was due to my ambition to have a new chapter, per book, per week. I've decided against this. I want to get back into writing, I enjoy it after all. So I've decided I'm gonna take a more laid back approach. I'm gonna try and do a chapter for each book per month as I know having no deadline for myself will mean procrastination will take over. Anything else will be out when it gets out. Thank you for everyone who has stuck around during this lull and thank you to everyone who has followed me during this drought in content. I will note though that I have had a lot of ideas, both for new books and for what is already out there so look out for that. I hope we meet again in a new chapter and have a marvelous day.