
I’ve decided to take down S&C. I probably won’t be updating for a year or more. I will still be writing on my own time for my own comfort n enjoyment.
          	I might consider uploading the stories I write when they are all completed, but there’s a slim chance of that happening . 
          	Thank you to my followers n supporters who read “Sex & Cigarettes” , let’s make the new year a good one.
          	Stay safe, healthy, and take care of yourselves. You are always the main priority. Continue to grow and mature as a person. Don’t let people ruin your short time on this earth. <3


@Osonce I hope u enjoy ur time writing nd not have anything happening anymore like last time. Take care as well nd never stress abt anything no matter how hard things get. ♡


I’ve decided to take down S&C. I probably won’t be updating for a year or more. I will still be writing on my own time for my own comfort n enjoyment.
          I might consider uploading the stories I write when they are all completed, but there’s a slim chance of that happening . 
          Thank you to my followers n supporters who read “Sex & Cigarettes” , let’s make the new year a good one.
          Stay safe, healthy, and take care of yourselves. You are always the main priority. Continue to grow and mature as a person. Don’t let people ruin your short time on this earth. <3


@Osonce I hope u enjoy ur time writing nd not have anything happening anymore like last time. Take care as well nd never stress abt anything no matter how hard things get. ♡


Hey, js read all ur announcements and damn sm happened wth. First of all did not expect that form TxTYeonjunlover, but ever since she would message me I alr had a bad feeling abt her ngl. I'm rlly srry w has happened nd u getting uncomfortable with all that, sm ppl may seem nice or friends but it's not w it always thinks. I'll always be here to support u nd ur decisions It would be best to do smth myb abt it story, it's great (not in a fetish way) but yea if things like this are happening u as the author have every right to chose w u want to do with it. Ppl in Wattpad are disgusting I feel bad we have horrible ppl in the world but that's js how life is. I hope everything goes well with whatever u choose or happens in ur life as well, u stood up well nd I love 4 how u handled things, Kendrick Lamar 4 life ☆


Tysm love <3 I really appreciate ur support !!
            I’m so sorry u had to face TxTYeonjunlover’s off messages as well. Stay safe and healthy <3


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Again, I have nothing to do with the people who went out of their way to cyber bully TxTyeonjunlover or Horizon.
          Please stop dragging me into shit I never asked y’all to do this. I’m talking to u @Yawnjzzn I don’t know if u think I’ll get closer to u or like u Js cs u defend me???
          You’re making alt accounts from what I’ve heard and using them to harass people. Delete your rude comments or I’ll have to block u as well.
          I don’t want a parasocial relationship with u or make u believe I favor u for doing something so wrong 


I defended u because I thought we were friends?? Age doesn’t matter in friendship right so I thought it wouldn’t be weird
            Why are you getting mad at me for defending you! 
            I’m not deleting my comments I just wanted to help u. I know u didn’t ask for it but I wasn’t gonna just sit still and idly watch


I’ve received messages from people which stated that some of u were harassing @ImHorizonENG and @TxTYeonjunlover under the guise of spreading awareness and supporting me.
          Guys please don’t do this. It harms more than helps and is immoral. 
          As much as @TxTyeonjunlover ‘s words and actions hurt me I don’t want her to be cyberbullied.
          As well as u guys making this into a bigger issue than it really is. 
          I decided to be the bigger person and tlak about it before it harms more people.
          I won’t name names but you know who u guys are.
          Thank you for your attempt in bringing awareness but you can support me in different ways! 
          These authors r also human beings and deserve respect. I want to admit that me and @TxTyeonjunlover were both in the wrong so please don’t pin it all on one side.
          As well don’t harass the followers or friends of @ImHorizonENG and @TxTYeonjunlover. 
          Seriously like I’m already struggling w shot and u guys r adding more to my plate by verbally abusing them.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, you’re just a kid. @TxTYeonjunLover is a disgusting person, the way she justifies her actions make me equally sick to my stomach as when she sexualized your trauma. 
          I have been spreading the message around to the people who somehow follow her, they deserve to know the type of person they follow. 
          You deserve better kid, don’t let that filthy woman bring u down. 


Thank for spreading awareness <3 I’m so grateful for having such an amazing and supportive community. 


Hello everyone, Js wanted to make a quick announcement.
          I didn’t want anyone to feel disappointed by my decision so I’ll leave it up to a vote.
          Due to much uncertainty and pressure I have been pondering about dropping “Sex and Cigarettes “, or at least remove it from all the places I’ve published it on. 
          I hate that my work is becoming a playground for fetishists like @TxTYeonjunlover for example. 
          My writing was meant for survivors of traumas similar to mine, it was a safe space for me to vent my anger through words. 
          Although, as more people come into contact with it, I see bad people enter my circle.
          Whether it be fetishists, people who are hitting on ME ( ! A MINOR!), straight up disgusting people, or even people who romanticize abuse or toxic relationships. 
          My work has not once depicted these topics in a positive light, if you have read my work I’m sure you would agree. 
          I’m happy that I atleast did reach people of the demographic I was hoping for. I love you guys, you all made my 14th year alive on of my proudest as you watched me grow my writing skills.
          I hoped to continue my 15th year this way, but looking at the situation…
          I’m saddened that I find this conclusion the only escape from predators online. I apologize if I’ve said hurtful things or offended people, BUT 
          I will NEVER apologize for my views, or my beliefs. RAPE and SA as well as ABUSE is not something “cute” and “quirky” that should be romanticized and normalized as “Dark Romance”.
          So, I’ll end it off by saying thank you once again, and before I even make such a big decision I want to hear yalls thoughts. If you truly want S&C to continue, please tell me. 


Hi! I heard that @TxtYeonjunlover like yk, fetishes rape and abuse. So, before I make some opinions about it, I just wanted to ask if it was true? If it is, I'm extremely sorry that happened to you. 


@Osonce Oh, I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you feel better


@niko_niko088 Sadly it is. I was shocked to find out especially since they used to be a fan of my work. 
            As a victim of rape and SA/Abuse, I felt deeply disgusted and disappointed by TxTYeonjunlover.
            Luckily I have some kind people surrounding me as my followers and supporters. 
            Thank you for your regards <3


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          I know your bitch ass is not still yapping. You literally just admitted to having a fetish for rape and sexual assault and drugs.
          As a victim of these crimes, you make me extremely uncomfortable, especially in the ways that you glamorize it .
          The way you do not understand where you are in the wrong makes me think that you have no brain that you will never find clarity .
          I hope everyone sees you for who you are. I hope at work people find out what type of person you are and what you romanticize what you think is OK it doesn’t matter if it’s just a fanfiction or if it’s just a story. 
          The work that you consume that you find you get off on that you fetish over makes you a fucking monster .
          Stay away from kids stay away from victims stay away from humans.
          You said and I quote  “fetish too” I will remind you of that till you reach the pits of hell where you fucking belong. I’m not a religious person but damn does this make me want to rebuke you and dunk you into holy water, but even that won’t save you no it couldn’t even clean the filth of a person you are.
          To wrap it up I want to explicitly explain and restate these things to you, I do not romanticize or have a fetish towards these things. 
          Unlike you, so, don’t try to make try to group, me up with the likes of you.
          TO ANYONE who romanticizes or has a fetish or fantasizes on the subjects of abuse and rape in a relationship or in general please block me .
          Do not follow me and do not like my work. Do not read my words.  I will block you as well for my own mental well-being.


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          @TxTYeonjunlover go ahead and delete Destiny. Yeah, the fanfic that I gave you the idea for.
          I have the original drafts, I have screenshots, and I have messages on your board as proof, so don’t try to negate me and listen.
          I want no relation with you any longer. We embarrass me, and every community that you might be involved in. I hope you leave Wattpad and go touch some fucking grass. You are disgusting.  
          Otherwise, I’ll have to report this matter. I want to see Destiny deleted by tomorrow. Don’t reupload it. Don’t take credit for it. And overall work on your fucking trash ass writing skills. Yeah, I was lying when I told you that you had potential.
          You’re writing is worthless. I hope you completely stop. The only thing you bring to. The table is abuse. Glorified abuse for the matter and rape.
          I hope you change your mind and seek help serious help because you’re beliefs and own self. Do not align. Make it make fucking sense.
          Do you have a day, either way you’re getting blocked within a couple hours after you read this message.
          Reflect on your actions, you know what go ahead and delete Wattpad for me. No, your dumb Ass wouldn’t comprehend what you did wrong. Even after I expose you.


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            I don’t romanticize it though ?
            As a victim of sexual assault and rape myself, I have used S&C as an outlet to deal with my trauma. 
            Never have I glorified abuse if you even thought to read my shit correctly and thoroughly, you would see no glamorization of abuse .
            In my story, Leo and Haejin are monsters who can never be redeemed. So don’t try to turn the tables on me and actually take accountability for your actions.
            I have mentioned this so many times I have mentioned using using my stories as a way to process my trauma and bring awareness to these things. Because unlike you who’s never had to suffer through something like that, I did.
            Me and the million other boys and girls in this world who have to suffer at the hands of monsters who should not be called human.
            And don’t try to defend yourself because you’re stupid ass. Also voted for a rapist for someone who touched kids you’re fucking repulsing.


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This a personal message to the user, TxTYeonjunLover;
          First I have lost all respect for you. You feign ignorance and lack self-respect. You are what people call, a selfish and sick in the head.
          Not only because of your political views BUT because of the trash ass shit you write. 
          Yeahhhh it makes that you’re a Trumpie LMAO writing those fanfic ahhh posts on your message board. Buddy you ONLINE DATE, you need constant reassurance because of you’re “TRAUMA” Lowkey you’re a Fetishizer. 
          I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress. I dedicate Euphoria by Kendrick Lamar to your dumb ass.
          Get the fuck off my work after you finish reading this. But due to your stupidity, you might take long reading this. 
          Since you’re most likely having to sound it out LOL. 
          You voted for a rapist, sexist, and homophobe that ALSO A CONVICTED FELON. 
          Go ahead and log out for me. Touch grass btw. 
          Also maybe talk to a therapist about your little fetish for ABUSE and RAPE in gay relationships. 
          I expected better, ESPECIALLY from a woman. 
          If a fifteen-year-old can call you out on your shit and comprehend politics BETTER THAN U, then u must be doing something wrong with your life. 
          SEEK HELP.


@Osonce ofc i understand completely and i hope that you know you'll always have someone on your side to stay with you ❤️❤️


@Fuqtard_ you so much for always being there and supporting me. I know you’ve been here since like the first day so it’s comforting to see. I still have people to rely on. 
            Especially when someone so disgusting turns out to be one of my followers and even has a fetish for the traumatic experience that had occurred to me and many others. 