
so recently I've been into the jojo's bizzare adventure series and was wondering if I should do some fanatics off of them?


so guys I have an idea for a teenage duff book but I want to know what you guys think. everything I do and post on here I do so I can get your ideas of what you like and don't like. Also I don't want to offend anyone by doing this book. I just want to write something that you all will enjoy and hope to be a better writer in the futcher by doing so as well.  Plus guys don't be so down if your a duff, cause I am a major duff. I have been designated as the ugly fat freind more offten then not.


so I've  been thinking guys. I want to get my stories out their and show them what I got so I beg of you guys to give my stories a boost. Share, vote, coment I don't really care. I would just like my works to be appreciated. and that's not going to happen with out your help. also keep me informed of contests that are coming up so I can compete in them. Thanks and OtakuKenzie99 out.♡♢♡♢♡