In other news I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING MY OURAN FANFIC FORGIVE ME PLEASE. Please dont kill me. So ive had terrible writers block for the ouran story. I was writing the part but my mind suddenly went blank mid-sentence. So i'll be postponing it for a bit. And then continue it after letting out all my ideas for another story. I just need to clear my head okay?
So for those kpop fans and any other people really. Im starting a new story inspired by the group bts. Its a story for everyone okay? So after i actually post parts i hope you start to enjoy it. This is just a heads up.
Gahhhhhhh sorry if I'm bothering you but I might be on my little procrastination a little more since I have some big tests for a full 2-3 weeks so I apologize if you're waiting long for an update
Omg someone help me!!!,! I need more help with my story and help with a new story. Sorry if I hadn't updated. I now know how those people felt when they didn't update after a while. I used to be so impatient. But now I know their pain ugh freaking writers block (♯`∧´). Anyways sorry for disturbing you. ^ - ^
hey there!
thanks a lot for the follow c:
I really appreciate it and I hope that you'll find something between my stories that you'll like reading! ^-^