
What's great about this story? NOTHING! https://www.wattpad.com/story/124809131


Thanks for the votes and comments on Magus Affliction! ^,.,^ I hope you continue to enjoy the journey with each flip of the page.


@Todom2 you could condense the time skips into one and add in some traveling instead of them seemingly arrive at their destination after they leave. During travels add foreshadowing for side plots or background story of the princess


@Todom2 I see your point. I will ponder on it. Most of the story takes place as he is older, but I will think on your proposal. ^,.,^


@Todom2 other than common spelling errors i would say the story is progressing to fast. Create some events that happen in his training a bear attack or guard patrol. Way too many time skips


Hello Otaku_Rexceed!
          I'm writing to you because I see you like to read/write! I have always loved anime and have taken up the challenge to write my own story. If you have any free time, I would love for you to read my story and give it a chance!
          All I want is to give people a new, fresh, and gut wrenching story to fall in love with 
          Please don't press follow just for my sake. I want people to actually read and experience my story: whether it's good or bad, so follow if you're here for the journey!
          Follow my and add me to your list to see my updates! Don't be afraid to critique me!


Just noticed you removed Eclipse and your other stories. What happened? Did you lose interest? Give up? 
          I actually really enjoyed eclipse, while its your decision to make and I respect it, I hate to see a fellow writer give up. 
          Just remember, when to going gets tough, the tough watch Gurren Lagann to get tougher.


No big deal man, our kind's gotta look out for each other. It's good to hear you didn't just throw in the towel. Hopefully you hit something good soon.


@PvtSkittlez your words touched me. Honestly I was going with the flow when writing and that was stopped when I couldn't get to my story. I took it down for review and to figure out how to continue.