Continuing prior message .......
I also sincerely hope your no longer having issues with stalker/trolls! That really bad and unfortunate.
- I think that’s the term they call them, haahaa, so not computer literate with these things.
- And incase your wondering, NO I don’t even have a Facebook account let alone the other social media stuff that goes on (not long turned 40 so yes I’m old and accident caused me to not be able to be a mother so don’t even have kids to teach me/keep me in the know - sad, I know! Honestly got no idea about social media, guess it’s from my lack of wanting to know other people’s business (I grew up with kids all having LOCKED personal Diary to keep our secrets, weird world now that everyone wants to share everything like they NEED validation/acknowledgement/ for self-importance from complete strangers (even the addiction of needing high numbers of FRIENDS/FOLLOWERS, it’s crazy to me - people don’t seem to understand the true definition of a friend anymore, maybe it’s just me in my old ways, ha!
- It’s also been damn hard trying to translate anagrams (if that’s what you call them) like IDK = I don’t know (I think) and those picture things people put at end of sentences using letters and symbols
like: <3 (what is that?? A sideways ice cream cone????) or
(O3O) - (is it a puffa fish???? - yes please laugh, I seriously don’t understand them).
Anyway hope I hear from you!