
In two days it'll be a full year since I had my heart broken by my ex (and hers broken as well). She no doubt had to rely on her hatred of me to get over me, and I a mix of hatred and depression to get over her. So in order to completely obliterate my memories of the time I spent with her, I must do this one final action. It may have taken a year to do this, but it has to be done....


In two days it'll be a full year since I had my heart broken by my ex (and hers broken as well). She no doubt had to rely on her hatred of me to get over me, and I a mix of hatred and depression to get over her. So in order to completely obliterate my memories of the time I spent with her, I must do this one final action. It may have taken a year to do this, but it has to be done....


@Evil_Panda_Master_xX I take it your memory has come back to you if you're calling me by "that."
          *claps slowly*
          Well done, I knew you could do it. :P XP
          Anyway, I miss her so much too. =(  ='( D'x
          Trouble is, I don't know when she gets on. For the past few days, I've been trying to see if she could get on so we could at least talk before the chat bar is gone for good.
          Then I get word from her that her computer is broken because of her accident.
          If you get this, please let her know that I'm still waiting for her here and that I still love her.
          *sighs sadly*
          I miss her.... =""(


@OtakunoAnime17 i fell down my stairs and broke my leg and had to get stitches on head.. i knew my clumsyness would bite me in the butt one of these days.. i broke my computer when i fell because i had it in my arms.. im alright now.. just a bit sore..
          I love you Daniel. try not to over react to things alright? *smiles softly at him*
          I miss you.. hope we can talk again soon. 
          Love you sir!!!!!!


@MokaTheAnimeLover Hospital?! O.O
          What happened to my beloved milady in the time we couldn't talk?! 
          Were you sick? Hurt? Are you ok now? What am I saying? Of course you're all right.
          Anyway, I hope we can talk soon hon. It's awful lonely without you here. ='(
          *kisses her forehead*
          I'm still waiting for you though. And I still love you too. =) 
          Take care Aly. Hope to see you soon milady
          *kisses her* 
          I love you Aly!!!! <3333