I just finished what there is of A Summer Best Forgotten. To be completely honest, I squealed, laughed, cried, and threw hissy fits during the day and a half it took me to finish it. At the end of chap23, I literally said aloud multiple times "But I want another chapter!"
I gotta say, you just don't find good, no, great, fanfictions like this often. The best I've ever read in my entire life before this one are Norvus Ordu Seclorum and The Masked Man, both on FanFiction.com by JazzPheonix. This is a story I have certainly added to that three name list of best fanfics ever.
Side comments on the story:
-You nailed the personalities. This is exactly how I would imagine them in this situation. And not only that, you held those personalities close to you as you both wrote each chapter. It kept the story real.
-You found a way to use Mr. Chair and everyone else realisticaly. Most PewdieCry fanfics I've read leave out those people or mention/use them in a not so good way for the story. In most, Marzia is completely forgotten about or her and Felix are breaking up. I like them together and you found a way around break-up without having her involved.
-The team! Everyone from the live-streams to the co-op were there. At the mention of Ken and all of them a smile grew on my face. This story would be dull without them.
-And finally, the pair that brought this together, Pewds and Cry. You and Mocha have got their relationship down. From the start to chap23 you can see improvement and progress between them. They went from hating each other's guts to making out in the darkness in the middle of a forest. It really made me happy to see them change and realize how they felt toward the other and how well you and Mocha have managed to write out that change.
That's all I think of to write for now so I'll end with this...
...Bro Day Everyday! -brofist to both of you- (you deserve it!)