
Hello fellow Riverdale lovers and fans of Our Lustful Summer, I am well aware it has been such a long time since the story has been updated. I won’t lie to any of you, this pandemic has been absolutely difficult for many reasons and I was needed to take some time away for myself but rest assured I am back now and will begin updating again. I’d like to say thank you for everyone who has waited so patiently and stuck with the story.


Hello fellow Riverdale lovers and fans of Our Lustful Summer, I am well aware it has been such a long time since the story has been updated. I won’t lie to any of you, this pandemic has been absolutely difficult for many reasons and I was needed to take some time away for myself but rest assured I am back now and will begin updating again. I’d like to say thank you for everyone who has waited so patiently and stuck with the story.


Hello fellow Riverdale lovers! I wanted to let all of you know that we've changed up the story to "Our Lustful Summer" a bit, and in turn, have republished Chapter Six: Red Hot Kisses and starting the new story parts! I hope that everyone enjoys it, and is staying safe during these hard times!


EEEK!!!!!!!! Another Jason and Polly shipper.. Or did you change your mind after ep12?


Cool all my friends shipped Polly and Jason but after ep12 they were grossed out by their relationship and I think that is unfair because they didn't even know


I still ship them! Even though they're from the same bloodline, I mean it's all legal and all; third cousins aren't related to that point like first cousins are, but I still think they were cute and that Jason deserved to have a life with Polly and her future babies. 


Dear readers,
          I know there has been a prolonged delay of updating the story. Been trying to get our fifth chapter perfect for you guys to enjoy it. Chapter 5 is now up and published, remember to like/vote/comment. Y'all do what you do best. 
          - Jamie