
Life is like a plant,
          	It grows strong, but needs some care for it to grow.
          	It needs water, and sunlight,
          	Like how we need water and food to live,
          	We grow to our strongest point in life,
          	Then it gets old after sometime,
          	It shrinks, gets weaker, brittle
          	Then after some time it falls,
          	Losing its power, strength, life...


hayyy its zumathrone hope u come back soon


@chasethetiger Sup, I've been back for awhile now. I just been switching accounts. I lost my device I had Craftsmans_stories on. Also with the Information for it. 


Life is like a plant,
          It grows strong, but needs some care for it to grow.
          It needs water, and sunlight,
          Like how we need water and food to live,
          We grow to our strongest point in life,
          Then it gets old after sometime,
          It shrinks, gets weaker, brittle
          Then after some time it falls,
          Losing its power, strength, life...


._. of course it's like a plant because a PLANT IS A LIVING THING XD


Ok so I will be taking a break from Wattpad. Today my Step Mom and Dad has be tested positive for COVID-19...
          I will post a later today..... maybe.....


@Out-Adventuring dude, go to them. We can wait for you, no matter how long. Take care of your family first. I hope they recover quickly


@Crafts-Man-Stories im sorry to hear that dude:( I hope they recover quickly!!


I dont know what's happening anymore. I've heard that some regions in the United States have been placed in Martial Law, and I feel like that my region may be going under Martial law. The world is going to hell. This I feel... is like the end of humanity. We, Us, Us Human beings.. we dont change. We never learn from our mistakes. I worry for what we are doing. Were being sandwiched in events that may doom us all... I just dont know what's happening out in the world now... I'm so confused... 


@Crafts-Man-Stories I agree! NEVER EVER LOSE HOPE!! NEVER LOSE FAITH IN GOD! THIS WORLD AND ALL OF US IN IT IS ALL UNDER HIS HANDS, NOT OURS! Just don't lose hope! (I used caps, I'm not angry when i'm writing that so please don't take this the wrong direction)


@Crafts-Man-Stories I know that this is all too much, but don't lose hope. If you do, then you basically lost already. Us humans, we made it through the black plague. Even if it killed 200 million people, we didn't lose hope, and didn't think that everything was over. This is the same situation. We don't have much to worry if we're doing what needs to be done correctly. We've lived through this before, and were gonna live through it again. Just don't lose hope. 


Ok... so I made up my mind...
          I'm staying, and also going to write a story... (Maybe)
          So yeah...


Yay! I didn’t want you to leave!


I feel lost... 
          I want to stay on wattpad, but don't at the same time...
          I feel like I'm losing interest in Paw Patrol...
          Like.. I keep forgetting to go on wattpad....
          I'll just see....
          If I stay..
          Or go..
          This Lockdown is messing with me lately...
          I should just get some rest..


@Crafts-Man-Stories I agree! I feel bad for you that you are feeling like this. I can't stand for it! Here's some advise for you buddy! Stay on Wattpad, just take some time off of Wattpad and then come back strong after that! That's what I would do in this situation like you are in right now! I hope my advise helps you out there buddy!


@Crafts-Man-Stories If you're feeling like that, you should probably take a small break. I did the same for a different reason, and after a few days, you just want to come back. It really helped me, and hopefully it helps you too. 


This was a weird year... I just finished my final class for the school year of 2019-2020
          This year was Amazing and ok...
          Like the War that may have happened with Iran with the US
          The Fire that happened in Australia
          The New Virus...
          And many more...
          And, me joining the wattpad community...
          And so... I wonder what I'm going to do now for the Summer...
          But I'll see...


@Crafts-Man-Stories it has been a crazy year! One weird thing happened after another but we did it, we finished strong bro XD


@Crafts-Man-Stories hey man I have an idea for you make more stories