Okay so there’s this fanfiction that I read a long while ago that FOR THE LOVE OF MY FIRST BORN CHILD I can’t remember the name of. I’ve tried searching so many, SO MANY, key words to try and find it but I can’t. Maybe it got deleted but if it’s not I really want to read it again so if any of you know the name of it can you tell me? I would owe you my love of gay ships for it. (The plot is as follows: it is a tododeku omega verse in which Midorya is an omega and Todorki is an alpha. To find the new leader, the alphas fight each other to decide who gets to rule. The different towns take turns holding these battles and this year it’s Midoryas towns turn. Midorya notices that one of the contestants is handsome, REALLY handsome, he also notices this really handsome contestant is a pure bred meaning he has a tail. It comes down to katsuki and todoroki, but todoroki ends up winning. He falls in love with midorya while he is there and decides to take him back on the journey to his kingdom. Izuku wants to stay with his mom but his mom convinces him he needs to go with him and sends him on his way. one of Todorokis generals notices he is frustrated during the trip and figures out it’s because todoroki decided to wait to have sex with midorya until he gets to his kingdom because it’s tradition. When they arrive home todoroki decides to immidietley do it with midorya to release his sexual frustration from the trip.) I realize that this is a weird post to make but I’ve been searching for this fanfic for almost maybe even a year with no luck.