So, the conclusion to my grand experiment is I don't get reads or comments to my story unless I'm in a book club.
I'm kind of bummed about that, actually. My last book club went defunct, and the thought about joining another one makes me uneasy as I'll end up in the manic cycle of no one getting past chapter 10 because of the rotation of readers.
I believe in the story I'm telling in The Road to Nowhere. It unique and different from anything I have ever written before. I'm really disheartened that no one will read it to actually read it. I mean, there are a couple who have, but I'm not sure it justifies me posting anymore on this platform.
Am I wrong to feel this way? I've spent the last few months getting myself back into good health after finding out I was diabetic which was the main source of my health issues. Now that I've changed a lot of my life around to get better, I've ready to focus more on finishing this book and start writing the next in the planned series.
The question is, will anyone here even read it?