
Hey, everyone. So, because Wattpad Private Messaging isn't here anymore, it might be tricky to reach out to me. Of course, these message boards are always open, and I always read the comments. But if you feel the need to reach out me privately, then you may email me at: Ovarth88@gmail.com


Hello @Ovarth are you there and if so i will like to talk to you if you would hear me out because i was wondering if saw my gmail if you don't mind me asking since i'm only curious to know is all as i will be honored if you could write my story request that is in my gmail that i sent you today


Hello @Ovarth hope i'm not bothering you as i have a story i believe you will love to write in the near future and would be honored if it could be heard by you in Gmail when you have time to old friend 


Thank You my friend you are the greatest 


Of course. Email me and I’ll be happy to hear you out. 


Hi there, been loving the Final Fantasy 7 Remake/rebirth x male reader book
          Am I allowed to suggest an idea for a summon y/n could use in the Rebirth portion? It would work similar to Gilgamesh 


@Ovarth it's essentially another Final Fantasy character being treated as a summon 
            You know lightning from the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy? Just her but as summon 


Hm. That might be interesting


Hello @Ovarth are you there and if so i will like to talk to you if you would hear me out because i was wondering if you saw my gmail that i sent you if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know as i will like to hear what you think and i will be honored if you could use your editor to add a background to the team vector of the updated version of the brotherhood of chaos to use as the poster of my villain oc x crossover x my little pony friendship is magic story request 


Hello @Ovarth are you there and if so i will like to talk to you if you would hear me out because i was wondering if you saw what i wanted to let you know on your gmail and if so what do you think could i sent the team vector of the brotherhood of chaos to you for you to use for the team bio and chapters of my story request and will also have the poster of the brotherhood of chaos facing off against the mane 6 and spike the dragon and starlight glimmer and the real grogar's legion of doom from my little pony friendship is magic just to let you know incase you were wondering if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know