I saw you have rats...I raised rats since I was seven...30 years now, lol. I love them but I had to give it up because poor health made it too much work for me. I still have three, two girls and a boy. I find it hilarious how afraid some people are of them. It's a quarter pound animal what is it gong to do to you? So I don't expect you to read my work because it looks like it is not your genre but if you do care to try it let me know what you think. I checked out some of your work, it's pretty good..I don't have time to read much right this second but I will be saving Cardigan Weather in my library for later. Thanks. :)
I have 3 boys and a pregnant girl. I'll be keeping one of her female babies, so five rats. A quarter pound? HA. I have a boy that's 2 pounds, but he's harmless. I adore my rats and I'm glad to see a fellow wattpadder who also owns rats. I'll take a look at your stuff, regardless of genre as long as it isn't a fanfic. I've been meaning to update, but I'm currently having computer issues, so I haven't been able to. I'm glad you enjoyed Cardigan Weather(: