Hi everyone, sorry again for the super long hiatus. Work has been piling up ever since I got switched to full time (8 hours per day, seven days a week almost every week) and my writing time has been cut down, significantly. That being said, I have gone back through my work and discovered many spelling, grammar and continuity errors, so I am going back and re-editing the entire thing before I repost. On that note, I have gotten so sick of leading you guys on with re-edits and slow updates and false promises that I have come to a decision. I will not be posting any part of this story, again, until I have completely finished and edited the book. And I do mean completely. No questions, no after edits, no mistakes. Completely, 100% done. I know that this isn’t what you wanted to hear, seeing as how this will likely mean several months before anything is posted, but I can promise that I will do my very best to get this done as well and as fast as possible. Though, I doubt it will happen, I hope you guys are all still here by the time I finish the story and the series. As always, thank you again and lots of love to all my Blacklisters.