I was hangin with you and then I realized
          	I didn't think it was true
          	I was suprised
          	When I found out I've fallen for you
          	I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you
          	I didn't wanna believe that I could loose you
          	If I told you just how I felt
          	But I can't help it
          	I'm falling for you
          	And I can't quit it
          	'Cause I'm stuck on you
          	And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical
          	But I just want to be with you
          	Please tell me, boy
          	Can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
          	I'm scared
          	Of telling you how I feel
          	Maybe it's better if I just try to conceal the truth
          	For me and, for you
          	But I'm still stuck on you
          	I (I)
          	I'm still falling for you
          	For you (for you)


@-_callmehbob_-  estas haciendo karaoke mijA?


          I was hangin with you and then I realized
          I didn't think it was true
          I was suprised
          When I found out I've fallen for you
          I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you
          I didn't wanna believe that I could loose you
          If I told you just how I felt
          But I can't help it
          I'm falling for you
          And I can't quit it
          'Cause I'm stuck on you
          And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical
          But I just want to be with you
          Please tell me, boy
          Can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
          I'm scared
          Of telling you how I feel
          Maybe it's better if I just try to conceal the truth
          For me and, for you
          But I'm still stuck on you
          I (I)
          I'm still falling for you
          For you (for you)


@-_callmehbob_-  estas haciendo karaoke mijA?


          Absolutamente nadie:
          Los oders en royale high: dOnT tOuCh mY pReCiOuS tAiL aNd eArS
          Sus avatars: avatar sin nada de diamantes o robux y no tiene ni cola ni orejAs.


Pues pasa también en Adopt me Xdddd pero pAsA.


@ -_callmehbob_-  
            El otro día vi a una tipa que era "princesa demonio - Mala - Ama el negro - dEmOnIo(otra vez) y creo que decia "odio el rosa" u algo así 
            La piba venía vestida te alegre y cOn RoSa B(


¡ Aah, por Dios ! Me espanto
          su belleza. . .
          ¡ Hola ! ¿Como le va?
          Vengo en Zon de Paz,,
          dedicándole a usted, dulzura
          de persona; un poco de
          amor mi parte, porque Nunca
          Esta De Más Un Poco De Amor .
          ¡ Que tenga un 
          dia tan lindo
          como usted !♡


            no es nada , todo
            un placer para mí ♡
            Cuenta conmigo
            si gusta charlar
            de algo con todo
            gusto podre 
            ' escucharle ' ¡
            Puede decirme Bagg'i,,
            es todo un placer conocer
            a tan reluciente
            persona como usted .