Surprise, surprise, I’m still alive. I’ve lately been bouncing around an idea in my head for close to three months now. Expect to see something new.


Surprise, surprise, I’m still alive. I’ve lately been bouncing around an idea in my head for close to three months now. Expect to see something new.


Just a follow-up to my previous post, I have updated my banner picture to that of an upside-down American flag. Now, you might be asking to yourself WHY am I doing such a thing. Don’t worry, I’ll explain.
          On average, 20 something veterans commit suicide, and I am displaying the upside-down American flag as a symbol of distress the veterans face when they decide their only choice is to give up.
          Why display it upside-down? I’ll let Title 4, Chapter 1 of the Flag Code of the United States explain that.
          § 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.


Alright, how long has it been since I lasted posted ANYTHING on here? Well, I don’t know and I’m not gonna bother to figure that out because well, it’s pointless since I’m already inactive on here.
          Although, I will add that I’m now a paying member of the Libertarian Party and I’m also helping a Libertarian candidate running for President of the United States by helping him write his campaign agenda. Now, I take what praise I get for my writing with just about no weight to it whatsoever since I’m always my own worst critic, but so far the candidate likes how the platform is going, so that’s all that matters.
          Alright, now for the not so great news. My creative spirit for writing has pretty much died and I’m doubting if I’m ever gonna get that spark back. I’m already disappointed enough that I lost such a part of my creative side, but I’m not shocked about it either. I rarely ever did write anything new and even more rarely continued what I started.


Matthew! What's up?


Hello. I'm doing fine, just rare as it always is that I ever check things on here.


It's been one eternity since the last update, and another eternity, and here I am! Don't worry, I'm still alive. I've finally got my winter break before the next semester, and I'm gonna be putting in as much free time as I can in bringing some new content.
          With that, I'm gonna be working on a couple of new projects I've been thinking of, and hopefully I can get back into the original space I was in when I started A Night With Novak, but I'm not sure about that. I am glad to see that there's still people reading it and enjoying it. I'm hoping to complete it, even if it means re-writing it from scratch. I hope it doesn't have to come to that, but if I have to, then I have to.
          I will have to admit that the Opryland Hotel here in Nashville is really looking nice. It's actually been giving me some inspiration for a possible future project. Hmmm…


As always, it's always an eternity between another eternity when I make these things. Well, my Cloud Seed idea wound up being a disaster. It went in way too many different directions that it lost its identity.
          A Night With Novak is still un-updated as always, but I did find some unpublished drafts of a couple chapters. They're more than likely very rough and unpolished, but I'm leaving it up to you, my followers, to decide what I should do with those chapters. I can try my best to edit them, or I can publish them as they are. I don't want to delete them, so I'm not even gonna consider deleting them.
          Next order of business, I have been working on some other writing projects on here. However, as always with me, they either wind up incomplete, or an absolute mess that  fails to have even some sort of coherence even when I attempt to edit.
          Lastly, I can't make any promises that I will always be active on here, but what I can say is whenever I am active on here, I always make sure to check up on what's been going on with my works. That is, if I actually do that. I've noticed that I have let my profile on here slip into complete neglect, and hopefully I can try and turn things around.


Hello everyone. It's been a while since I made an update post, so here it is. I'll try to keep ot brief so you won't have to read a whole lot.
          I decided to start up a new story called Cloud Seed, which is my foray into the post-apocalyptic genre.
          Also, my most successful story that I have written, but not completed, A Night With Novak, has long overdue officially been put on hold. I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna get back to writing it, but even if I never do, I'm keeping it up so people can at least see what I had hoped to do with the story.