
Wow just wow didn't think I'd be able to do it but we've hit 100 followers thank you all for the support and I'll try my best to make books and chapters that you can all enjoy. Until next time. God bless


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(In PAJ465'S House)
          PAJ465:Then Auro taps into Terios' power to defeat the threat. End of chapter.
          PAJ465 then selected save and nodded happily thinking that after his long break the readers would be satisfied. He then heard loud knocks on his room door as he let it open.
          PAJ465:Who is i-
          He was then kidnapped and brought to an area surrounded by all of his main characters.
          PAJ465:Why am I here.
          Auro:Where's my chapter! Do you know how long its been. I thought we were trying to speedrun so we could get to the indigo conference.
          Y/N (Naruto:The Prodigy):THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH!
          PAJ465:You shouldn't be swearing aren't you a kid.
          Y/N (Naruto:The Prodigy):Does it look like I care. Where's my chapter.
          Y/N (Ben 10):Why are you guys complaining i was supposed to come back 2 months ago after hiatus. 2 MONTHS! AND I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN MY CHAPTER! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM HUNTERXHUNTER!
          PAJ465:I'm sorry. I just had things to do.
          Auro:Does it look like I care. They're obviously your favourites because you cook up for them but not for ME! I WAS YOUR OG SERIES! GIVE ME MORE LOVE! Was that so hard Jeremiah!
          PAJ465:Don't leak my real name! Also I treat you all equally.
          Auro:Are you serious you essentially discontinued Y/N (Ben 10) and I went from a story about a boy wanting to become a pokémon master into having a Walmart Sukuna inside me, being the vessel of a space dragon and having my characters getting random mood swings. Meanwhile Y/N (Naruto:The Prodigy) got his own original arc.
          PAJ465:OK now that I think about it I'm sorry. Now will you let me go now.
          Taiyo:Don't let him go. What about me. I'm still in the single digits for chapters. I need more!
          PAJ465:All right you too.
          PAJ465:Fine. All the stories on going I'll give you all chapters soon.
          Author's Note:But seriously I am sorry for taking this long to upload I've just been on a break but I am back.


I have a question.When is the next chapter of naruto pology And way is the jogan in naruto  because if he is the descendant of madara and great  great grandson of hashirama  is he had sharingan in both eye because the otsutsuki god  have the jogan  can you give y/n the eternal mangekyou sharingan Fusion of sasuke and madara ems and is he gonna to have the rinnegan two


@Zacharycox1210Cox it really depends but what I can answer just incase you have an enquiry for him being the reincarnation of hagoromo is the fact that he possesses both indra and asura chakra from Hashirama and Madara and when those two combine you get hagoromo's chakra and yes he will get rinnegan


First off I'm extremely sorry for the lack of uploads lately. I promise you all there'll be a max upload soon. However, I just wanted to tell you all that my brother will be making his own fanfiction called the Power Parade.


@PAJ465 and if its ok if you guys can show support


I just wanted to say that the Naruto book will probably be moving onto the chunin exams in one to two weeks time and the next chapter is coming out tomorrow.


Hey I was wondering if you take story requests


@PAJ465  Nice also do you know Shazam or any other dc heros and if you do can I know what ones


@PAJ465 Cool sorry for the late reply do you watch my hero academia


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto TV Show Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories, Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories suffer aftermath effects from Fourth Shinobi World War IIII and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories soon as possible whenever you have time.


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto: TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories Sasuke Uchiha and YN Uchiha truth behind Uchiha Clan Massacre and Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, Danzō Shimura find truth about Uchiha Clan Massacre got ordered four hidden leaf village elders names Homura Mitokado, Danzō Shimura, Koharu Utatane and Third Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi because uchiha clan coup d'etat against hidden leaf village because located corner put blame nine tails attack during Five Kages Summit in Land of Iron Country before start Fourth Shinobi World War IIII & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories aftermath suffer effects from Fourth Shinobi World War IIII for Naruto: The Prodigy (Naruto X Male Reader)