@woniehours Do you know Jamie?? We have been online friends for some time now but they are not replying to my messages for so long. I'm kind of worried.
First off I will say that I love your books because I mean there are a lot of books like you know Tom and Harry and stuff I will say that Tom would not still be a good person but the mouth always could have been a better person too Harry and I do believe that you know Dumbledore is very manipulative I also will say I think it would be really cool for his patronist to be kind of like Dumbledore's being magical and for his Patronus but for his animegas I would say it would be different I would like it to be like an owl or some type like a bird because because it's more practical than you know or something that is magical like a phoenix Um I love the story If you ever do a story after this I think it would be really cool for her mining for like a very powerful female fanfict could be LGBT but I just don't see her mind even that way but Harry definitely Harry was very shy in the books Now for his wand I don't know if you get a chapter on his wand or not I think it would be really cool for him to get a new wand but also I think it would be really funny just FYI if you did all seen I as a gym so he can see two people's bullshit