@Silenesea6 Hello! I am sorry if it took me so long to respond to you since I have alot of agendas with my personal life. However, I would love too share my thoughts on how to improve.
First, Research. It will help you alot especially when you want your stort be like a true one. Thou I prefer if the places or the events really do happen in real life.
Second, give extra details to your characters. It will help when telling a story so that the readers will greatly visualized what you are pertaining about.
Third, give a part where it would be exciting. Well this one does not refer to all genre but it is a great help especially if you are doing the famous genres people do find interesting.
Fourth, always give your heart to your story. People say stories are the books of one's life and I absolutely say it is because in a story you will give your utmost details and emotions in it. Actually it unveils one event to a person.
Then lastly, Always look for the best in yourself. You are the key to make your story great so it is important to trust yourself in everything what you do.