
Hi all
          	It’s been so SO long since I’ve visited here. 
          	I wanted to let you know that I have NOT given up on M, it is still a passion of mine and I am still working towards getting his finished story to you all. 
          	You will see me here more often this year. 
          	Cheers and Happy New Years 
          	P XXX


Hi all
          It’s been so SO long since I’ve visited here. 
          I wanted to let you know that I have NOT given up on M, it is still a passion of mine and I am still working towards getting his finished story to you all. 
          You will see me here more often this year. 
          Cheers and Happy New Years 
          P XXX


@MelissaBanisterSicat  you have always been such my stalwart . Thank you for you ongoing support. I have been in hibernation for way too long. M is make really slow progress but I have no given up yet. 
          I have committed myself to getting him to you and those of you who have always stayed so patient and supportive. 
          I intend to post more often on here to keep you updated. 
          We had a lovely HOT Christmas here is Australia. I hope you and yours have enjoyed the Holidays too. 
          Cheers my friend Px


Hi @Blu3_Eyes 
          I am still trying to get M finished and out there for you guys and for me. 
          There are a million reasons why I haven't completed it, one being a massive disruption in my personal life that stopped me writing for an entire 12 month period. Fortunately all is well again now. 
          I recently thought I was at a point of submitting it to publishing houses but have realise from feed back that still some work is required. 
          I haven't post much because I'm just as sad that I still haven't got it finished and out to share but it's messages like this one from you that I appreciate so very much, they are what keep me going. 
          Cheers Pxxx


@PCharse1 How is it going now?! Just remembered it today and would love to know how it ended! Was such a great story!


Are you still writing M? It's been over 3 years since I read the first few chapters on here, but it's gone quiet lately. Hope everything is OK, and really do hope you continue and finish with M, it seemed like it could have become such an amazing story x


I keep coming back hoping you've posted again! Hope you're still enjoying writing it! I know we all will enjoy reading it :)


@Sally200  Thank you for taking the time to keep coming back and your continued commitment to encouraging me Toledo going, I'm trying to concentrate all my efforts on writing but at the moment i am at an impasse and life and family commitments continuing to take providence. It always help when people like yourself reach out and remind me how much they have enjoyed reading M. It's uplifting. Just want to say  thank you for inspiring me to keep going, I will see the book complete one day soon that's a promise. X my ❤️.