
jason came in through the window , going and sitting down on the couch afterwards .   " i don't recommend chasing giant killer crocodiles through the sewer . "


            ".... why are they putting animals in there? If there man eaters shouldn't they just be put down?" She asked coming over to him. She then backed away. "Oh you need a shower...."


            " because said crocodile had to be put back in arkham . "   jason turned , burying his face into a couch cushion and sighing .


            "Uh..... yeah. Why would anyone do that?" She asked looking up at him from her spot in the kitchen.


haven't we met somewhere before ? [ this woman , she looked so familiar . he would try to put his finger on it , gently tapping his cheek . wasn't she a customer at his pharmacy the other day ? yeah , yeah she was . how odd , to meet her now at a public bar . ]


            "Mmm, yes, I am, sweetheart" She said and chuckled a bit. "Very strong...." she muttered, bringing her cup up to her lips and drinking down the last of the alcohol in her cup. "That is nice."


work tomorrow ? yeesh , & you're drinking tonight ? you're quite the strong woman , aren't you ? [ he would scoff softly , drinking some o the milk in hand before sighing on relief ]
            I have been blessed to have tomorrow off , thankfully


            "Don't apologize. I enjoyed the laugh." She said and smiled at him, reaching over and patting his back gently before ordering herself another drink. "Yes very sick and I have work tomorrow." She said


[ claus would stare at the woman outside his pharmacy . what was she doing ? she was just standing there , & had been standing there for god knows how long .. maybe she wanted something ? the man would tuck hair behind his ear before getting from behind his desk , heading to the door . he'd open it for the other , staring at the woman with a confused look ]
          can i help you , do you need something ? you know , you don't need to stand there , my pharmacy is open [ he muttered , gaze locked on the woman ]


            She nodded and chuckled a bit. "Ok. Just didn't want to disturb or annoy you or anything." She said and set her purse on the floor next to her as he leaned against the counter. "So, any particular medication you enjoy making over the others?" She asked softly.


no , it's quite alright . ive never had a issue talking with customers , idle chit chat is a required skill needed for this line of work anywho [ he would lean against the counter , watching the woman carefully . it was odd , she was very much odd . ]


            "Mmm, I see." She said the look in her eyes dwindling. "I'd have to say managing to die from non lethal herbs would be a talent." She said and then bit her lip a bit. "If I am keeping you from working I'll shut up."


Don't  think  i  didn't  notice  you  following  me..


            "Mmm, I'll try to." She spoke before nodding along with what he said. She had been in that situation many times before, and sometimes it was fine. Others it was not. She had one to many scars in her mind and on her tan skin to prove that. "That I do. As I'm sure you guessed, I am usually the one Mori sends to meetings and such in his place. And i have had many times where I was the only one of my team in the room with many others from the opposing side." She said and sighed her, fascate breaking with it showing  a tierd and unamused face."I will see what I can set up for you both. Though I will need a way to contact you, Deimos. Unless you would just like me to tail you indefinitely."


He  looked  at  her,  cold  eyes  piercing  holes  through  her.  There  was  no  telling  what  he  currently  thought  of.  He  was  unpredictable,  which  made  him  so  dangerous.   The  tension  slowly  disappeared  after  adan  scoffed  softly.    "   Consider  me  flattered.   "   his  tone  was  indifferent.   "   I'm  one  man.   If  i  have  a  talk  with  your  boss,  it  would  only  be  fair  to  do  so  with  no  one  else  in  the  room.   I'm  not  a  fan  of  an  extra  pair  of   hands..   especially  when  my  safety  is  at  risk.  I'm  sure  you  understand.   "     adan  added  casually.     


" it's - it's nothing .   just a long night .   how are you ? "


@-hoodsreborn ((that was supposed to be traumatic-
            She went silent looking at him. That was something she hadn't done, and never cared to do ever. "What made you remember it?" She asked softly bringing his hands up to her lips and kissing his knuckles gently and giving his hands a firm squeeze.


            huh , he didn't even notice that his hands were shaking if he was being honest .   jason bit his lip in thought , trying to think of how to word this .   " i...had to climb out of my grave something made me remember it . "


            "Bad memories?" She repeated before coming over and gently taking his hands in her own. "Your hands are shaking a bit love." She said softly and looked him in the eye. "Were they dramatic memories?"


“c’mere, you look like you need cuddles.”


            "Well my boss is being a ass for one. Giving me missions I don't want and telling me I need to go back to Tokyo." She muttered. "And then just paper work stress."


@PCprime ))
            “just work?” he repeated, glancing down at her curiously. “wanna go into more detail or.. is it just stress?”


            "It's just work." She whispered nuzzling him gently


“hey, i got you cookies from that bakery down the- oh! .. what happened here?”


@PCprime ))
            dick quickly got comfortable, his hands moving just below her bottom and gently tapping her to let her know to move so he could carry her. once he was in that position, he breathlessly pulled away from their kiss onto to reattach his lips to her neck as he moved their activities to the bedroom:
            ;;  gotcha


@birdsofnight (( insta dm. I'll send you a link shortly 
            She quickly started to match his pace, as they started her arms moving up his stomach and chest and then wrapped around his neck, a soft moan leaving her.


@PCprime ))
            dick smiled into her lips, holding her close and kissing her faster, an almost need in his actions as his touch moved up and down her figure. his fingers traced out each curve on her body.
            ;;  do you wanna move this to discord? or instagram dms, if you don’t have that?


A cloud of red smoke appeared before the Circus Cage Wagon that held Patricia as Josephi appeared, grinning and peering at his newest star. "She's up!" He exclaimed excitedly, prompting some clowns to peer in curiously, their disfigured faces perking up into malicious grins.
          "Oh dear... I hope that lump on your head doesn't hurt too bad," he said, almost mockingly.


            Another growl escaped her lips, her eyes peaking out and glaring at him with a deadly gaze. "They will tremble in fear of me when I escaped and kill you and then them." She hissed. "Call me cute again and I'll cut off all 3 inches you have and shove it and it's two friends down your throat bleeding and raw while you scream in pain."


            Josephi licked his lips in a hungry, predatory gesture, not taking his eyes off her. "You look so cute," he says, "all helpless, scared, and in pain... the audience is gonna love you!"


            Brown eyes opened slightly as her body curled up more. She groaned hands and arms wrapping around her head, trying to curled up and make herself disappear at this point. "Shut up." She growled and bit her lip as she shivered and then whimpered in pain. Her head sounded as the rest of her body ached. She wanted to sleep more and run away, she didn't want to go through his madness again.


" how aboutttt i just stay here instead ? "


            "Just maybe?" She asked softly and smiled, standing on her toes for a moment and pecking his lips a bit. "But I'm glad you want to come see me...." she whispered looking at him with love.


            true he could have seen her that way but it wasn't the same .   " it's not the same that way , and maybe . "   he replied with a chuckle .


            She giggled a bit smiling at him. "But you have at least a picture of me on your phone. You could have seen me that way." She said before whispering. "Or is it because you miss holding me so tight?"


;;  i missed you btw <33 ik we have each other on instagram but we don’t talk much BFKSHF
          “just because nightwing is out of commission doesn’t mean dick grayson is. now *please* let me come along?”


            Patricia looked up from her phone and smirked a bit walking over and straightener his tie a bit. "Or like agent double 07. Very nice." She said focusing on his tie before looking up at him. She then paused and sniffed. "Is.... that the calone I gave you?"


@PCprime ))
            “beautiful.” he smiled, pecking her forehead before pulling away and disappearing into the bathroom. awhile later, he emerged, donning the suit and bowtie. “i look like i’m about to serenade someone with the jazz solo.” he joked, grinning her way.


            She hummed looking over the tux and then nodded. "Yes, that should do nicely my love." She whispered