There is no way there is a fake account  in tumblr roleplaying as Rudolph  interacting with Proshippers


I love how the Clone High fandom is still arguing with eachother
          I love this ship!
          No i don't
          I love this character!
          No I don't
          I wish this headcanon was real
          No i don't think it suits them
          This ship should have been canon
          (it's up to the creators and it has already been canon)
          No i don't like them
          That character is so mean and arrogant
          What did they do? They were nice all along!


(It's up to the creators. and it has already been canon) MEANING that they have already met in a platonic way not a shipping way. Are you blind.


Guessing that the creators of CLONE HIGH try to make clone Confucius' personality as the opposite of the real Confucius. The real one was POOR by poverty with his parents. Clone High=spoiled and rich with RICH PARENTS. The real and clone Confucius are both influencers. The real one was wise, but somehow the Clone High one is ironically the opposite of that


He isn't like "OKAY I'LL DO IT! THANKS FOR THE ADVICE!" Type because he's ironically dimwitted.


this message may be offensive
"You're dumb! This is dumb. EVERYTHING'S DUMB! But okay, we'll try. I literally loved that moment where he and Frida had a conversation with eachother when he's trying to do choreography. He got mad at her advice all because she was trying to say some motivational things to him. "There's no such thing as perfect. Practice makes progress." LITERALLY WHAT SHE TOLD HIM