Since yesterday you can start reading fanfics that I publish in my native language on my main account, on this account in English.
          	For now, I have some stock in terms of completed stories, so they will appear systematically. 
          	In the meantime, I will try to finish the next stories so that there will be no break in publishing on this account XD


Hello! Sorry if I'm intruding your space here in Wattpad. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) - I hoped that anyone that may have and might continue to see this message to help me out on my writing journey through which I introduce you to my book. I'M ONLY HUMAN. I'm undergoing editing but anything to point out through it could help me out a ton as I sometimes have trouble through my English. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

          If you are more interested through Poetry tho, I also have a book that may apply to your liking...

          It would be about 10 poems in this unless I update more in the future. It doesn't have any triggering subjects, only about plain stuff  like love, life, school... You may point out any problems you may have with this as freely as you may want too. 
          If you truly are offended by this message, please do delete it, but at least give my book a chance, maybe go through a few pages first? ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ


Since yesterday you can start reading fanfics that I publish in my native language on my main account, on this account in English.
          For now, I have some stock in terms of completed stories, so they will appear systematically. 
          In the meantime, I will try to finish the next stories so that there will be no break in publishing on this account XD


Does Wattpad translate? I don't know but thank you for the follow ❤️ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


@Official-Lia_ITZY  you don't even know how glad I am that you understood me ^^


@PETITE-MOCHI no your fine I wouldn't mind


@Official-Lia_ITZY  I will soon start publishing English versions of my works from my main account, however, my English is not perfect, so I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused ♡


Hejka❤️ Chciałbym zaprosić cię do mojego  tomiku wierszy pt. „Płomień”. Wiersze, które znajdują się w tym tomiku to wspomnienia związane z ważnymi osobami i wydarzeniami z mojego życia. Te wiersze nie należą do wesołych, więc raczej nie sprawią ci uśmiechu na twarzy. Mam nadzieję, że nie zawiedziesz się, jeśli postanowisz wpaść. Z góry dziękuję za każdą gwiazdkę, czy komentarz i przepraszam, jeśli przeszkadzają ci reklamy. Pozdrawiam❤️


Jak zauważyliście, na tym profilu pojawiły się dwie historie, które powoli będę pisała ^^
          Kolejne rozdziały, tak szybko pojawiać się nie będą, bo skupiłam się na publikacji na głównym koncie o.O
          Oczywiście, do czasu kiedy zakończę na tamtym w pełni publikacje XD
          To tyle ode mnie ♡