Ok, I don’t get political often on this platform, but I am very upset that anti-vaxers are endangering children. It’s pure evil and ignorance. I hope none of these kids who are sick die form Measles, because they are innocent. They can’t decide to get the vaccine. And I also would never wish this upon any child. But the parents who don’t vaccinate their children deserve this. Why? Because they put their own children at risk, and now they have to reap the consequences. When you refuse to listen to any facts contrary to your beliefs, you become stupidly ignorant, and dangerously arrogant. Don’t make that mistake. Doctors all over the world have said vaccinations are safe. Are you really going to trust one or two doctors who lost their medical licenses on something as important as your child’s health? These people are going to die first in any outbreak, because their immune systems are extremely weakened compared to vaccinated people. Is this what you wished for your child? You people are pure evil.