Hewoo my fellow ARMY!!~

M͠y͠ n͠e͠w͠ b͠o͠o͠k͠ i͠s͠ o͠u͠t͠ \(^o^)/ P͠l͠e͠a͠s͠e͠ d͠o͠ s͠u͠p͠p͠o͠r͠t͠ m͠y͠ b͠o͠o͠k͠ a͠n͠d͠ m͠e͠ t͠h͠e͠ a͠u͠t͠h͠o͠r͠ f͠o͠r͠ f͠u͠r͠t͠h͠e͠r͠ u͠p͠d͠a͠t͠e͠s͠... T⃡h⃡e⃡ u⃡p⃡d⃡a⃡t⃡e⃡s⃡ a⃡r⃡e⃡ a͠ s͠e͠c͠r͠e͠t͠ (•ᴗ•)❤ B⃡u⃡t⃡ t⃡h⃡a⃡n⃡k⃡ y⃡o⃡u⃡ f⃡o⃡r⃡ b⃡e⃡i⃡n⃡g⃡ h⃡e⃡r⃡e⃡ g⃡u⃡y⃡s⃡ ( ˘ ³˘)♥

w̰̃h̰̃õ̰ w̰̃ã̰ñ̰t̰̃s̰̃ s̰̃õ̰m̰̃ḛ̃ ( ˘ ³˘)❤ Just kidding ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ I would love to give yall some UwU's too~~~

I know none of you care if my 1st ever fanfic "Bighit's new Girl Group x BTS" fanfic will be republished... If yall want it to come back... Does anyone even know it exists before? Please reply to those of you who wants it to come back.

Please help me... I just... I want to be free... Free from this torture... Torture I call home... The whispers came back every night They kept telling me all these things "I wasn't like you when I was younger." "They are better than you, if they were a nuisance you're a bigger nuisance." "Why can't you do something I can finally be proud of? Do something worth it for once." "That won't help you at all, you're just being more of a worthless piece of trash." Why won't the whispers leave? I've accepted them already, I know I'm already everything they have told me... But why? I can't live like this anymore... Please... I just want to leave. Help me... I'm not fine. Save me.

@ChaeLisa711 aww hope you're feeling fine now! Please be okay- Okay? Lol just keep on fighting, even if the fight will be hard remember the things that makes you happy ❤️❤️❤️

@PHARMYJZE I feel you. You're not alone... I feel the same in my home... I can't tell them what I'm feeling because they would think bad of me

I hate my life... "You f*cker don't you know how much I'm in pain? You all are just a burden! Leaving all the work to me? Devils! I wish I could just die!" You're in pain? The work? I may not be the perfect child I may not be great with other things. But... "Can't you all just do something worth it for once?" If do something. Will you really be satisfied? Will you finally stop Blaming all your problems on us (on me)? as if you're the only one in pain. Saying things like, "I bet all the things in your diary are all written like 'I'm lazy, I'm super lazy and I'm a worthless piece of trash!'." Yeah I'm a worthless piece of trash... Though why would I brag on being lazy? Just because my standards of doing chores doesn't expect your expectations. I wished you didn't end up with me as your grand daughter. I wish I could just be recycled so I could finally be useful in a way for being such a piece of trash. "You shouldn't go to church at all! You're just acting fake in front of many and you've done so many sins you're just making yourself more sinful!" First time I've heard of such logic, I guess your opinions should be treated as facts. It's so unreasonable that reasoning things with you is just worthless. I'm such a waste of space you know? Hope I get recycled soon... To finally be worth of.


Love is in the air guysss❤️ HappY VaLenTines Day~ I wish we had no classes :(

The sky is blue My heart still aches No one can resist Your piercing gaze Mother and father Love and strictness, School in between. Youth is still trapped in this endless cycle. Please help us, Please hear us out. Youth is calling, It needs your help. Please help us. Listen to our voice. Save us. -pharmyjze