i am in distress of writing porn

Hey! uhhh..it's me- BLUEISH ! ! ! ! or- photo- eh, you get the idea. Sooo- lot's of shits happened over the past few months! i think most people that know me get that. And honestly, i just wanna say, thanks! To everyone. I honestly had a lot of fun in the time out little group was together, and seeing i go kinda sucks, especially in the way that it did. I don't really know about everything else going on right now, but, on a good note for anybody cares: I'm in a lot better mental health! My hallucinations have died down, I've been happier by a lot recently, and my girlfriend and I have been happy! and i just want anybody out there that may be reading this to know that if you're feeling down. or depressed, or sad, and feel like everything hurts. there are so many people waiting for you. To see you get better! there are a lot more people that care about you than you think. I've been struggling with my own feelings for years, and i want you to know. it gets better. it gets way better. so, thanks everyone! thanks for the journey! and i'm glad i met every last one of you..well, almost every last one of you, guess there are like, 3 people i regret meeting. they've hurt people in ways i can't even imagine! so, thanks again: Skeppa Lego Tragic Sarvin Tamara Swift Mono Real Generic Sora Marcus Darling CJ Fore And everyone else that knows me! I love all you guys. Thanks for everything. -Your pal, PhotoNegative.

I forgive you, though, i have to think on coming back. I don't like the toxicity it had at times.

and photo, if you ever do wanna come back in the friend group, youre welcome to! I overreacted because im uncomfortable with my kinks getting out. Sorry, and i hope you can forgive me!


