          obviously, he wasn’t satisfied by the lack of answer to his concerned question but he let it drop, not wanting to scare the currently soften male off with such a forceful push of his question again . by now, it felt special to him that he had gained his boss’s trust so much . tord told almost anything that troubled him to patryk or paul and gave them his kind and calm side that almost no one saw . and they never made fun of him either, they allowed the male to talk and vent as much as he needed to . the talks weren’t always sad and soft but those were the moments that mattered and patryk kept close as a sign that tord truly trusted him . he slowly circled on his palm on his leader’s back, just trying to aid in calming him down . he was understandable enough, knowing that this sudden episode could’ve come out of nowhere and that he doesn’t have to worry as much as he does but it’s inevitable with the young male .


          // oo yes, we love soft moments
          patryk almost seemed startled by the voice . his boss’s tone of voice was usually so assertive and could - be harsh, even if he was talking to him or paul . it brought instant worry to his heart as the norwegian pulled him into a shaky embrace, mostly for the comfort of tord instead of himself . he hesitantly hugged the male back, just trying to gather what was happening to his leader, “ tord . . what happened ? you’re . . shaking quite a lot . . “ he acknowledges gently . he felt somewhat bad, as if he wasn’t there enough for him for this to not happen . it was so rare . this truly worried the dutch male— even if he knew the other could have his weaker moments .


          his attentive and worried hues never left the other just in case there would be something to happen in a millisecond for him to not see and then continue to blame himself after . he didn't get where the question was coming from or why it was so important now . maybe his leader was going through doubts and just really needed to know if everyone wanted to be here or not . it's not like patryk was forced here, he complied to joining with paul and he honestly didn't mind in the place that he worked . the real use of his name with such softness broke through just a little bit of his regular work behavior, " well, i believe that my loyalty is out of respect . i would never be here if i feared it, sir . i wouldn't dare turn my back on this army, never in a million years, especially if you or paul would be in danger . " patryk explained, truly dedicated to care for his friends and the ones he loved, whether they were fighting for the wrong side or not .


          the pilot had turned from his position at post to see his leader out like always . but something was off, the way that the other’s complexion was so unreadable and calm as his eyes were busy with studying his replacement arm . he had figured something was wrong, as would anyone but no one seemed to notice what was really wrong with the red leader . they were all thinking it but no one said anything . so, being brave and wanting to help, he strays away and trails to the norwegian . his hands placed behind him, folded respectfully, “ sir — is everything alright ? you seem kinda . . out of it . “ the dutch soldier had asked, honestly concerned for tord, knowing he and paul were really the only ones who get a real answer unless he was just deciding to be strict and or stubborn .


          a concern feeling grew in the soldier before hearing his leader’s basic request of asking him to hang with him for now . a simple smile growing on his lips, “ i would love to accompany you . i’m guessing everything has been a little stressful, huh ? it would be my honor to anyways . “ patryk says with the most certainty . he knew asking for something like this was not in his boss’ forte . after all, he was a reckless and mentally insane leader but inside, he could get lonely and pat knew he would either y’all to him or paul just so he had something to talk to . but today, he would happily be his company . not just to appeal his request but because he truly wanted to . he always encouraged the young brunette to able to ask him about hanging out together but he never thought he would say it any time soon .