
Hi there I just started writing my very first ff and I would love if you can check it out and give me your valuable feedback.
          Thank you in advance for letting me post on your profile and if you have any issues with it feel free to ignore or delete it.


hello,i hope you won't mind posting here-
          If you are looking for a book full of suspense, thrill, romance, angst, and mystery then try to give this book a chance guys. A dark Jungkook ff. i promise you won't regret reading it. and yeah don't forget to follow me if you find my work worth it


@preciseclouds322 thank you for the suggestion :) All the success!


Didn't jungkook cheated on hyejin? Then why did u made her end up with him?


I know it can be difficult to understand but I also wanted to point out how much one can change. How we shouldn’t be put in a box because of actions from the past, especially if we’re teenagers. I personally made so much mistakes when I was younger, wanting to be loved by everybody, and now I know that I could care less because I gained maturity. 
            I hope you can understand my point of view and that you appreciate Paths a little more through this description. Thank you for giving my little book your time, I appreciate it❤️


@WadyaShoaib from what I understood that when he cheated on her he was immature but that doesn't justify his actions and mistake after that hyejin started having trust issues and after seven years they changed they both realize their mistakes jungkook regretted cheating on her and she accepted him this is just my opinion


Author  paths was  is the amazing was soo amazing it was a Rollercoaster of emotions it was so...beyond that I can't explain how this story much happy after reading  this story and I have no regret  after reading this story....


Thank you so much, warms my heart that my story’s still being read years after I published it. ❤️


Dear Author nim,
          I just completed reading your soul-touching book, "PATHS". I can't describe how much I loved this book's storyline, especially after hearing it's based on a real story about you. The storyline touched my heart even more. I cannot imagine how you went through all that emotional abuse from your relationship. I went through a roller-coaster full of mixed emotions as if I was Hyejin. This story was portrayed so beautifully. It truly is a masterpiece. You illustrated your feelings so nicely in words. It hit me emotionally. The path Hyejin and Jungkook's personalities develop throughout the book made me feel that love should be given a chance. I adored the way the book has been crafted. The flashbacks and past stories gave me chills. It was painful for me to see both of the characters go through so much. Hyejin travels to Melbourne trying to forget her past and continue her life. Yet when she comes back to Seoul, she meets Jungkook.  They still gave their bond a chance by establishing a friendship. Knowing that they both still love each other very much. Even after all the emotional trauma they went through, After all the trust issues and heartbreaks.  This book broke my heart into pieces. Though I am still young, I understood what Hyejin felt. 
          This book will forever be engraved into my heart. The lessons and emotions depicted here will never be forgotten. I don't know if you're still here. I just wanted to let you know that I voted for every chapter. You wrote things that went right to my heart. You deserve all the love. I hope you're happy. Please take care of yourself. You touched my heart with your story. I wish I could wrap you in a hug. You deserve all the love!  I love you, user @PL2298. 
          Sincerely, a fellow admirer of 'PATHS'.


Hi @bygcfkoomini , thank you so much for your words. I'm responding way too long after you've send this to me but please know that each word you just said went straight to my heart. I remember the day I wrote this story like it was yesterday and I surely didn't expect anything from it. I'm glad that people still enjoy it years after I published it. 
            Thank you so so much crossing my path. I wish you all the best.  I love you. 
            Yours truly, 



@axdreafiction Thank you so much <3


Hey there.
          So I just discovered you today!
          And your work is JUST wowwww!
          Keep writing tho!
          I hope you write more fanfics in the future, because your brilliant at it!
          Also, I write fanfics too so can you please check them out? If you don't mind that is..


Checking your profile! 
            Thank you so much 