
My apologies for not posting in the last two weeks. Heart issues cropped up and I am on a 24/7 monitor now and resting. Even though I haven't been sitting down with my laptop, I have been in the formulary stage with characters, delving in deeper to see what makes them tick, noting plot lines and reading stories on my not-so-smartpad. =o) I'm hoping to get a better idea of what is wrong, heartwise, by the 25th and find the energy to stay awake.


@PMPennington Hi Patrick. Sorry to hear you are not well at the moment. Get plenty of R & R and do what  the doctors tell you. Then, I hope to read more of your excellent story. Get well soon. Dave


My apologies for not posting in the last two weeks. Heart issues cropped up and I am on a 24/7 monitor now and resting. Even though I haven't been sitting down with my laptop, I have been in the formulary stage with characters, delving in deeper to see what makes them tick, noting plot lines and reading stories on my not-so-smartpad. =o) I'm hoping to get a better idea of what is wrong, heartwise, by the 25th and find the energy to stay awake.


@PMPennington Hi Patrick. Sorry to hear you are not well at the moment. Get plenty of R & R and do what  the doctors tell you. Then, I hope to read more of your excellent story. Get well soon. Dave


"Whisper of the Silent Hand - Chapter Five - Knowledge is Power" is up now. Feel free to read it and make comment.
          This chapter started off at about 1700 words. Today I added another 4100 to it. It took a turn I was not expecting, but felt natural. It drives the plot forward. 
          In this chapter I introduce the reader to two new characters who have had a direct impact on Thayne Trelesta's life. Be prepared for some strong language from one them. He a humorous lunk, but not lovable.
          "Chapter Six - Apprentices of Shadow" is in the starting gates


A draft of "Chapter Five - Knowledge is Power" has been uploaded. I'm working on the end scene getting the timing from Chapter One set from a different point of view within the Port City of Cor-Armagh. 
          Passage of time is a strange thing when you are in the center of a maelstrom, compared to that of an outsider that is watching from a distance.. This will take some work. =o)


Chapter Four of Whisper of the Silent Hand is up now for your enjoyment!
          The "Battle Dance" has finished in my mind and it is down on paper now. =o)
          So far, I've written little over 14,000 words in the four chapters posted. In traditional 12 point format with Courier font. That translates to about 57 pages of story so far. 
          Please place a vote and leave a note. =o) Enjoy the weekend!


The first part of Chapter 4 is up. I've had to do a lot of reworking the material in this section. Bear with me (pardon the pun, but you'll understand once you read the chapter lol) as I leave Chapter Four here for the moment. My mind is in the process of doing the dreaded "battle dance" and putting it down to paper as it were.  I hope you are enjoying the book so far.
          Please, leave a note and place a vote. Thank you! =o)