Sometimes I feel blind for an instant , it's a really interesting feeling , you can see for a moment what you want to see when you can see . MAJESTIC .
Sometimes I feel blind for an instant , it's a really interesting feeling , you can see for a moment what you want to see when you can see . MAJESTIC .
nice meeting you , precious .
And isn’t Thanagar a thousand galaxies away ?
well I don’t quite know the universe that well , but I do know that Thanagar is far from here .
ah ! another new member , your one of the twins , correct ? i was briefly informed about your arrival .
* she fiddled slightly with her thumbs , nervous maybe ? *
um , anyway im yasmine ! one of the original members of the team .
uh , noted . . . anyway it ' s nice to meet both of you ! i think i ' m supposed to give you guys a run down on what we do and stuff . but we gotta hurry this up because i have a date .